Chapter 9134 is silent

Shi Duchang's face was a bit unnatural, and he defended: "I used to think that he was from the hill tribe, and it was only recently that he was suspected of being from the Tian tribe.

I admit that I had some fascination before. I wanted to get rid of Shi Duan Kuan instead, so I continued to work with him without conscience.

Moreover, he just let me bleed blood on the totem statue, it should be no harm. "

Yun Chujiu snorted: "No damage? If I guessed right, wasn't the totem statue damaged so badly?

Has it been damaged faster and faster since you dripped blood? "

Shi Duchang dragged his head and said nothing.

Yun Chujiu is still not clear whether there is a direct relationship between the damage of the totem statue and the injury of the black puppet. It is necessary to ask it to know.

However, one thing can be confirmed, that the person certainly will not damage the totem statue for no reason, it must be a plan.

Is it really the people of the Tian tribe?

If the people of the Tian tribe are too powerful, let alone say anything else, how does he know that there is a place empty in Stone Mountain?

How to know the secret method of stone puppet to upgrade the grade?

How are the hands and feet imprinted in the mind?

Where did the secret word that caused the landslide come from?


The key question now is that Shi Duchang knows nothing about the man. How can he catch the man out?

When Yun Chujiu was thinking about these things, Shi Duchang said with a pale face: "I was imprisoned in Stone Mountain before I was in contact with the stone puppet, so the old immortal can't clean me up.

Now that he has left the range of Stone Mountain, what should he do if he is in trouble? "

Yun Chujiu also forgot this, she was really at a loss at this time.

At this time, the two dogs in the bag of the spirit beast said: "Little fairy, why don't you ask the old man with nine fingers, did he not use the soul lock lamp to perform the soul lock technique before?

Although the technique of soul lock is to erase memory, not to eliminate the mark of consciousness, but it is also related to consciousness. "

Yun Chujiu was also a dead horse, a living horse doctor, and opened the consciousness connection with the soul lock lamp.

If it were n’t for the soul-locking lamp that had n’t been broken, the nine-finger old man even thought Yunchu had burped.

Because she hadn't opened the consciousness contact for a long time, he was going to become a mushroom in the lamp.

Therefore, as soon as Yun Chujiu opened the consciousness contact, he heard the nine-finger old man chatter:

"Little girl, I have to talk about you. Although I am a prisoner, you have to let me let go of it?"

How can you be like this? If you do n’t ask if you ’re locked, you ’re not afraid of what ’s wrong with me? I tell you, this physical destruction is nothing. The spiritual destruction is really life-threatening ... "

Yun Chujiu was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, interrupting: "I am no longer on both sides of the land, and I have arrived in the area of ​​Baqi.

Do n’t ask other people first. The person and summoning beast in front of me, um, is equivalent to the consciousness of the sword spirit being planted with the imprint of the consciousness. How can it be released?

Even if it can't be lifted, how can we avoid the other party's death? "

Nine-finger old man is a bit chaotic, Baqiyu? summon monster? What is this about? !

However, he still has a sense of proportion. Seeing Yun Chujiu's tone was very anxious and he hurried to think about it.

The lamp wick suddenly lit up.

Yun Chujiu was very happy. The old man with nine fingers is now the wick of the Soul Lock. It seems that he is thinking of a solution.

"Think of a way? Say it!"

(End of this chapter)

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