Chapter 9136

The old man of Nine Fingers briefly touched what Yun Chujiu said, and then annoyed:

"According to what you said, this Shiduchang colluded with the people and betrayed the mountain tribe? If so, wouldn't he have to be punished soon? Won't he be able to keep his life small?"

He wasn't worried about Shi Duchang's life and death, mainly because he had lost his life now. He didn't want to burp without enjoying enough.

Yun Chujiu glanced at him and said lightly: "Finding the talent behind the scene will condemn Shi Duchang, and you will be replaced by then. You don't need to worry about this.

Or do you intend to always rely on not returning your body to Shi Duchang? "

The old man of Nine Fingers laughed twice: "How can I ?! I always speak and talk, as long as the person behind the scenes is in charge, I will go back to the soul lock lamp."

Yun Chujiu was about to speak, and heard a scream of screaming sound in the consciousness.

"Where is this? How did I become so small ?! Totem messenger, totem messenger, where are you?"

Yun Chujiu frowned and said, "Okay, don't call it! In order to avoid those behind the scenes attacking your consciousness, I temporarily placed your Yuan soul inside the Soul Lock Lamp.

As for your body, let the soul lock lamp, um, the lamp spirit help you to hold it first, and wait for the person behind the scene to conquer, you can return to the body. "

Yun Chujiu can expect that Shi Duchang will yell next, so he closed the contact with his consciousness directly, and it would be pure to hear nothing.

The old man with nine fingers asked, "What shall we do next? Huishan tribe?"

"Well, Huishan tribe, I'm going to see the tribe totem, maybe I can get some clues from it." Yun Chujiu said.

She didn't think about taking the plan and let the other party misunderstand that she and Shi Duchang were all buried under the stone mountain, but with that person's degree of caution, it may not be fooled.

Since Shi Du has been unable to find a clue for more than a year, it shows that the man hides very well. It is difficult for her to find him by her power alone.

After Yun Chujiu and the old man of Jiuzhi negotiated a good speech, he let Diyan Rat King lead the way and walked towards the mountain tribe.

Yun Chujiu does not intend to tell the Shi patriarchs what they are doing for the time being, because it is likely that they will be scared.

On the other side, the head of the Shi clan is as big as a bucket.

The Yun tribe is the closest to the mountain tribe, so the Yun patriarch has arrived.

As soon as the two patriarchs exchanged a few words, the Shi patriarch received the news that one side of the stone mountain collapsed!

Even worse, I heard that Shi Duchang and Yun Chujiu were on the side of the collapse. Until now, the two have not come out.

The Yun clan chief suddenly exploded!

"Don't you just tell me that Yun Chujiu has always been treated as a guest? Why is it buried alive now?

Won't you be dissatisfied because she became the totem messenger of your mountain tribe, and let someone deliberately take her to Stone Mountain? ! "

The Shi patriarch was anxious and angry: "She is the totem messenger of our tribe. Even if I have the courage to dare to harm her, this is an accident!

Besides, there is no definite news yet, she may not be in trouble. "

"Unexpected? Why didn't any landslide happen today but happened today? It's too coincidental!

If she is okay, it ’s okay, if she really has something wrong, our cloud tribe and your mountain tribe are endless! "The Chief Yun said in anger.

The Shi patriarch is not particularly afraid of Yun patriarch's turning face. After all, the Yun tribe has limited strength, but the problem is that the other six tribes may also blend together. When the time comes, they can't tell the whole thing.

(End of this chapter)

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