Chapter 9137 Beat

The most hated person of the stone patriarchs now is Shi Duchang. He said heartily, where are you going to take the totem messenger, but you have to go to Stone Mountain.

Not to mention the difficulties caused by the Yun tribe and the other six tribes, mainly because of how the totem master explained it?

Will the totems no longer give them Wan Jingshi puppets because of their anger?

However, now that these are useless, let's quickly find a way to find out whether Yunchujiu is dead or alive.

He immediately went to the Stone Mountain near the Yun clan, and the landslide below continued.

Both the Shi patriarch and Yun patriarch are frowning, because the situation in front of them is more serious than they thought, Yun Chujiu may be unable to save his life.

Now even if you want to rescue, there is no way to start. You can only send people to search and rescue after the landslide is completely over.

Just when the two were unable to do anything, the Shi patriarch received the report from his men, and Yun Chujiu and Shi Duchang returned to the mountain tribe safely.

The stone clan elders were overjoyed and accompanied the clan elder Yun to roar back to the reception hall.

When they went in, Yun Chujiu was drinking tea happily, and the nine-finger old man was also sitting sideways eating sweet cakes.

He hasn't tasted the taste of food for a long time, it's so delicious!

While he was eating with relish, a slap in his face:

"You little beast, you have made such a big mistake, and you still have a face to eat ?! Don't hurry to kneel to the totem messenger ?!"

The stone patriarch gasped and gasped. He naturally did this for Yun Chujiu and Yun patriarch so as not to be angered.

In addition, he was really angry that Shi Duchang almost caused a big disaster, which made him nervous.

The old man of Nine Fingers used to be the same owl man. Where did he suffer from this kind of frustration? Just about to start, he heard Yun Chujiu coughing.

Then he remembered that he was now Shi Duchang, so he was reluctant to kneel on the ground covering his face.

He comforted himself, forget it, the eldest husband could bend and stretch, first bear with it, wait for the time to mature and then revenge on this slap.

At this time, Yun Chujiu stood up and said to Patriarch Yun: "Patriarch, it is reasonable to say that I should give you a courtesy, but I am also serving as the totem messenger of the mountain tribe, so please forgive me."

Chief Yun said with a smile: "It's okay, it's all vain. How did you escape from Stone Mountain?"

"At a critical moment, Master Totem of the Mountain Tribe used magical powers to teleport us outside the Mountain Tribe, which is considered a panic." Yun Chujiu said.

The Shi patriarch was relieved: "Fortunately, I am blessed by the totem master, I am really scared to death!"

The nine-finger old man kneeling on the ground gave Yun Chuji his eyes, and then asked him to plead!

Yun Chujiu ignored him when he had cramps in his eyes.

This old man was totally ignorant and obedient inside the Soul Locker, and now he is a little fluttering. He doesn't know who he is if he doesn't beat him.

It wasn't until the old man's eyes were cramped that Yun Chujiu smiled and said to the Shi patriarch:

"Stone Patriarch, this matter can't be blamed for the length of the stone. I have to ask him to take me to Stone Mountain to pick the fine stalagmites.

Besides, am I all right? ! Let him get up quickly! "

The stone patriarch sneered coldly: "Since the totem messenger pleads for you, then spare you this time, get up!"

The old man with nine fingers only stood up, and then sadly found that there were four people in the room. Three people not only have seats but also eat and drink, only he stands.

Tomorrow to continue, roll and sell Meng seeking votes, why not!

(End of this chapter)

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