Chapter 9144 has just begun

The Shi patriarch murmured in his heart that Shi Duchang, the little beast, had never seen any appetite before.

Was it pretended before?

Now that Dezhiquan has been exposed?

Nine-finger old man finished a plate of pastry in a little while, and some of it was still not enough.

But thinking of a big meal for a while, he said to everyone:

"Wait, listen, Master Totem asked me to reinvent the totem statue. I will give you two days and come up with a suitable plan for me, otherwise I will blame you.

Okay, now it's time for a feast! "

Master Chun Tang frowned: "You said that Master Totem appointed you as the right envoy of Totem, what evidence do you have?"

The old man with nine fingers snorted, and took out the token given to him by the black puppet.

The token is exactly the same as Yun Chujiu's, and the coercion exudes, so that the stone patriarch and others can't help but kneel to the ground.

The Yun patriarchs and others have retreated a little long ago, so as not to be affected.

A black puppet pattern appeared above the black token, and a voice came out. It probably means that Feng Yunchujiu was changed to the left totem of the totem, and Shi Duchang was the right totem of the totem.

The old man with nine fingers looked at the people who were kneeling on the ground, and then they saw their astonished look, only to feel that it was a comforting heart.

He saw Yun Chujiu standing aside with all his leisure, and said unpleasantly: "Why don't you kneel, left envoy? But dissatisfied with Master Totem?"

Yun Chujiu gave him a cool look without a word.

The old man of Nine Fingers was a little panicked at this glance, and he didn't dare to say anything, and turned to make trouble for the Shi patriarch and others.

The Shi patriarch and others did not dare to show it in their hearts, and could only look to Yun Chujiu for help, hoping she could help the siege.

Yun Chujiu said lightly: "Right messenger, if you delay for a while, the dishes will be cold."

The old man of Nine Fingers waved his hand to make the Shi patriarch and others rise.

Several other patriarchs were shocked by the scene just now, so they were also very polite to the nine-finger elderly.

The old man of Nine Fingers felt that this was the correct way to open up the house, and his peak moment had just begun.

Soon, beautiful dishes were put on, and the old man with nine fingers could not care about other things.

It ’s not that he did n’t have a good time, mainly because he had n’t eaten for too long, and this kind of appetite is human instinct and cannot be resisted.

Then, he ate and sustained a hiccup.

The Mu tribe chief of the wood tribe gave him a medicine for digestion, which resolved the embarrassment.

The old man with nine fingers immediately felt confident in what the black puppet said before. It seems that the wood tribe's totem must be very good at detoxification.

Although he wanted to show off his prestige again, it was too late at this time, so he had to let everyone go.

Waiting for the reception hall, he realized something later, where did he live tonight?

Huishidu's long residence?

What a joke? ! First, he didn't know the way. Second, what good place can Shi Duchang live? !

So, he said to Yun Chujiu: "I live with you tonight, please find a place for yourself!"

Yun Chujiu glanced at him, and there were a hundred ways to make him better than death, but when she hadn't figured out which way to use, she heard the old nine-finger cough:

"Forget it, let me find a place for myself!"

The reason why he changed his mind was that just now, he felt a little panicked in his heart, and intuitively Yun Chujiu wanted to pit him.

Judging from his experience over the years, it is best to stop at an adequate level, otherwise it will be unlucky.

(End of this chapter)

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