Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Vol 2 Chapter 9145: The moon is really round tonight

Chapter 9145 The Moon Tonight Is Really Round

In the end, the old man with nine fingers lived in the guest house next to Yunchujiu.

Although it is slightly worse than Yunchujiu's guesthouse, it is also very luxurious.

The old man with nine fingers did not fall asleep because he was afraid that after closing his eyes, all this would disappear.

He even pinched himself secretly several times, to confirm that all of this was not an illusion.

Not only did he leave the Soul Lock Lamp, but he also became the totem right messenger of the mountain tribe, and even stepped the little girl Yun Chujiu under his feet. What a dream day!

He couldn't sleep, so he went to the courtyard to admire the moonlight. The moon is really round tonight!

Yun Chujiu didn't sleep either, she had some intention of doing something like a black puppet.

Why doesn't it let her continue to track down what happened to it?

Why should Feng Jiuzhi be the right envoy of the totem and press her over?

It even gave the nine-finger old man a ninth-grade stone puppet, and couldn't think of the reason for it.

Thinking of the stone puppet of the nine-finger old man, she remembered that in the morning she had a lot of stupid limbs of the stone puppet, but she hadn't had time to count them, so she dived into the storage ring.

Then, stunned.

The stupid limbs of those stone puppets disappeared, leaving no scum left.

She immediately released No. 6, No. 7, and No. 8 and said angrily: "Say, did you do it? When you came back, you ate it, really thought I was good to talk?"

The three puppets are made in the mold, and naturally there will be no expression, let alone a sound.

They are connected with Yun Chujiu, but they are also limited to simple control, and there is no way to communicate.

Therefore, they did not react after hearing Yun Chujiu's words.

Yun Chujiu was even more angry!

I think they are dead pigs and are not afraid of boiling water. I already knew that, it would be better to leave them on the black puppet.

Probably aware of Yun Chujiu's thoughts, the three puppets suddenly began to straighten their arms and jump, expressing their dissatisfaction.

Yun Chujiu looked at the three "zombies" even more angrily, and took out the body of the puppet before, ready to take out the puppet plate of number six and put it in.

When she thought that she had just taken out the body of the puppet, the three puppets rushed out of the house.

Yun Chujiu found out that although the three puppets can only bounce, the distance and height of the puppets are much stronger than before.

She shook God's kung fu, three puppets jumped into the yard next door, and then came a scream of sorrow.

Yun Chujiu hurriedly turned over the wall and saw the old man with nine fingers lying in blood ... in the pit.

It can be seen that this pit was just smashed out.

As for the three puppets that had jumped to the other side of the yard at this time, it seemed that they were observing Yun Chujiu's movements. Apparently if she continued to chase forward, they would jump to other yards.

Yun Chujiu gritted his teeth: "Don't run! I won't change."

The three puppets apparently did not believe what she said and stood still.

At this time, Jiuzhi old man said badly: "Are you deliberate? You must remember that I have a higher status than you, so let your puppet attack me!"

Yun Chujiu rolled his eyes: "Don't put gold on your face, I'm too lazy to take care of you.

However, I kindly remind you, do n’t forget, there will be no pies in the sky, be careful to choke on the pies! "

The old man of Nine Fingers wiped his face indiscriminately, seeing that his hands were all covered with blood, he gritted his teeth and said:

"I'm willing to choke, can you control it ?! Leave your yard with your puppet immediately, otherwise I'll be welcome!"

Yun Chujiu was too lazy to take care of him, turned and turned back to his yard.

When the old man with nine fingers was about to say something, the three puppets ... walked past him.

Update the remaining four chapters at six.

(End of this chapter)

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