Chapter 9146 Kneeled

The old man with nine fingers looked at the big and round moon in the sky, and no longer had the previous pride, almost spitting out blood.

Yun Chujiu's stinky girl was intentional!

It's unbearable, he has had enough!

He jumped up, even ignoring the blood on his face, and crossed the wall.

Yun Chujiu is still confronting the three puppets, so he is still in the yard. When he saw him coming, he didn't say anything.

The old man of Nine Fingers felt that he had been despised and even more angry.

"Little girl, I originally thought you were a junior. I should be more tolerant of you, but you are too deceiving!

I apologize to me now, otherwise I will be welcome! "

Yun Chujiu was disturbed because of the stupid limbs of the stone puppet. He was angry when he heard the words of the nine-finger old man.

"You're welcome? Why do you want to be welcome?"

The old man of Nine Fingers snorted and released his stone puppet.

Although he knows that Yun Chujiu has a lot of hole cards, he is now extremely self-confident.

His puppet was given by the mountain tribe totem, and it was of the Ninth grade, and he could give Yun Chuji a dignity in any way.

Yun Chujiu raised an eyebrow: "Are you ready to start with me?"

The old man with nine fingers carried his hands on his back and said arrogantly: "You are not worthy to let me do it myself, my stone puppet is enough."

Hearing his words, the voice of excitement from the invincible honey badger came from Yun Chujiu's consciousness: "Let me come! I like to fight this stone puppet with no emotion!"

Yun Chujiu was about to release it, but he saw that No. 6, No. 7 and No. 8 jumped to the stone puppet of the old man with nine fingers.

Yun Chujiu frowned, and she couldn't understand the strength of these three things.

Not to mention anything else, this body alone cannot be compared to the stone puppet of the nine-finger old man.

The stone puppets of the nine-finger old man are two feet tall, and on the sixth they are ... three feet tall.

In addition, the body of No. 6 was made with a mold by her. She didn't even have joints, otherwise she couldn't just jump.

Even if the quantity is dominant, it is definitely at a disadvantage.

However, she turned to think that if the puppets of the nine-finger old man knocked out their shells on the sixth, it would be good. They could just use this to install the puppets into their original shells.

Therefore, she said nothing.

The old man with nine fingers saw them on the number six, which was a bit of a jealous encounter. It was these three little things that stepped on his dignity under his feet.

He shouted loudly to his stone puppet: "Peak, give them some color!"

The pinnacle is the name given to the stone puppet by the nine-finger old man, because he feels that his pinnacle moment has begun.

Yun Chujiu heard the name and said: "Peak? I look upside down."

Nine-finger old man subconsciously turned the name upside down and said, "Peak? Crazy ?!"

He is even more angry now!

"Beat me! Beat hard! Let them know how good you are!"

The peak puppet looked at them contemptuously, and he felt that he could trample one with one foot.

He raised his right foot and kicked to number six. Number six didn't know whether it was stupid or how it happened. He didn't hide. He was kicked straight and was kicked directly into the courtyard of the old nine-finger.

When Peak Puppet was proud, he suddenly found that number seven and number eight were missing.

Huh? Where are those two little men?

At this moment, it heard the old man with nine fingers shouting out loudly: "Be careful behind!"

It was about to turn around, but there was a huge impact from the bend of its legs. It ... kneeled.

Sorry, something happened temporarily, the remaining three chapters are postponed to 9pm.

(End of this chapter)

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