Chapter 9147

Pinnacle puppets are dumb!

How could its noble knees make such a move as kneeling? !

There must be an illusion!

Immediately afterwards, he saw the little man who had just been kicked by him jumped from the yard opposite and stretched out his arms like two fools.

However, at this moment it is more like a second fool in the eyes of the nine-finger old man!

Why are you kneeling so well? ! Hurry up!

Besides, have you forgotten that there are two puppets behind? ! What are you doing silly? !

At this time, No. 7 had already jumped over No. 8's shoulder, leveraging a jump, two flat arms just caught the peak puppet's neck.

Almost at the same moment, No. 8 flat stretched his arm and poked towards the waist of the puppet peak.

The Peak Puppet remembered later that there were two little dwarfs behind him.

He hurriedly reached out to pinch the number seven on its neck, and shook his waist, trying to get rid of the clamping of number eight.

To be honest, although it was somewhat unprepared, it did not panic, and felt that it would soon get rid of the two little dwarfs.

However, just when it was about to get rid of the 7th and 8th, the 6th arrived!

The number six came with a run, um, jump.

One bounce is higher than one bounce, one bounce is farther than one bounce, and when it is near, its flat hands are exactly parallel to its eyes.

Peak Puppet completely panicked this time!

Although it is a stone puppet, its eyes are much more fragile than other parts. If it were really poked by the number six, its eyes might be useless.

It was forced to help but had to ... get down.

The nine finger old man almost cried!

What is this nine-puppet puppet? It's a big fool!

Kneeling is not a big deal. Is it too shameful to give someone a five-body gift? !

Peak Puppet is also very helpless!

Only in this way can it avoid the number six, otherwise the eyes will be lost.

Although it was a bit shameful, the battle was not over, and the winner was the last laugh.

It has been seen that these three little men have no joints and can only make jumps and arms stretched out. As long as it is more careful, it is easy to defeat them.

It tried to stand up as it continued to smash the number seven on his neck with his hand.

At this time, it came back to think of a question, just after it got down to avoid the number six, what about the number six? Where did it go?

It just thought of this, and heard the scream of the old nine-finger old man, crying so badly!

The old man of Nine Fingers has been standing in the back to watch the battle. The number six was originally running to the top puppet, but the result was completely empty, and it fell short of chance.

Nine-finger old man dreamed that No. 6 would be so unruly, and even innocent!

The puppets that have been said to play against each other, why should they fight against him? !

He had been smashed twice just now, and this time he was smashed again, his head buzzing, if Shi Duchang left him with good physical fitness, he would have fainted.

The old man with nine fingers was about to get up, and as a result, No. 6 stepped on his foot again, and turned and jumped towards the peak puppet.

Nine-finger old man was stomped loudly, blushing and roaring with thick neck: "Pinnacle, you waste, give me death!"

Peak puppet heart said, are you stupid still relying on me? !

Watching a battle can still be trampled, never seen such a stupid!

It stood up while thinking, and was hit by the sixth leg bend on the left, and came to kneel on one leg.

(End of this chapter)

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