Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Vol 2 Chapter 9149: Completely collapsed (see monthly ticket)

Chapter 9149 completely collapsed (see monthly ticket)

Nine-finger old man hiccuped angrily, also strange ... he ate too much at night.

He looked up at the sky, the moonlight that he thought was beautiful, but at this time he could only feel bleak.

He glared at the peak puppet angrily, and then put it into Dantian, but it was invisible.

He looked at Yun Chujiu's house again, cursed a few words silently, and turned over the wall to prepare to return to his yard.

As a result, just overturned, snapped and fell into the pit, the front teeth almost fell.

Immediately after he heard the squeaking sound, he looked up and saw that the rock rat king was standing on the wall, smiling with two big fangs and not rampant.

The old man with nine fingers collapsed completely!

He doesn't want to be a man anymore! It's too hard to be a man!

He wants to go back and make a wick, at least it won't be pitted.

Now even a mouse is stepping on his head, and his totem right messenger is a fart!

Thinking of this, he suddenly came to spirit.

Yes, he is the right messenger of the totem!


Yun Chujiu tossed him, he would toss the people of the mountain tribe! Toss them to death!

He crawled out of the pit, and didn't care about the rock rat king still on the wall, and took out the sound seal seal that he just got from the stone patriarch today.

"I have important things to tell you now, you and the tribe have heads and faces to my guesthouse immediately."

The Shi patriarch knew that he was purely a tossing person, and immediately took the host of the Tang Church to the guest house.

Seeing the two pits in the guesthouse, and then seeing the swollen nose and blue face of the old nine-finger man, all looked shocked.

Although there was a lot of movement here, Yun Chujiu told the Shi patriarch before that no people were allowed to stay nearby, so nobody really knew what was happening here.

The old man with nine fingers said with his hands behind his back: "Don't make a fuss. I have never seen the world before. I just played against my puppet for a while, so that's why.

I'm calling you to teach you a secret method that can improve your cultivation in a short time. Do you want to learn it? "

Of course everyone wants to learn, but this is a golden opportunity!

The old man of Nine Fingers saw their fanatical eyes, and the sense of superiority in his heart sprung up. It seemed that although he was not able to pit the smelly girl Yun Chujiu, it was still easy to pit these idiots.

He continued: "Since it is a secret method, not everyone can learn it, so I have to examine it.

Do n’t doubt if I have this vision. Although I used to be your junior, my qualifications are not particularly good, but Master Totem has made me reborn.

Now you are duel two by two, I see. "

Everyone looked at each other, how did it feel a little unreliable?

But there are still some people who have not withstood the temptation of the secret law and started to fight.

The old man of Nine Fingers got a chair and made people put on tea and cakes, and looked up at Erlang's legs.

At this time, I looked up at the moon in the sky again and felt ... full circle.

On the other side, the rock rat king told Yun Chujiu what he saw.

Yun Chujiu just gave a faint hum, although she knew that Jiuzhi old man was deliberately tossing the stone patriarch and others, she was too lazy to bother.

She continued to focus on number six.

No matter how Yun Chujiu pressed them, they didn't admit that the stupid limbs of the stone puppets were stolen by them.

Yun Chujiu: "..."

I don't know who I learned from, and I'm just ashamed to seek death and live. It's really not good to learn!

Continue tomorrow, now there is a double monthly ticket event, remember to vote, oh!

(End of this chapter)

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