Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Vol 2 Chapter 9150: I save some flowers

Chapter 9150 I Save Some Flowers

Yun Chujiu saw that on the 6th they did not admit that they had to die, so they had to give up temporarily.

To be honest, she also felt that they might not have eaten them on the 6th, because they were not received for a long time, it is reasonable to say that it is impossible to eat so fast.

It's really weird. Where did those stupid golems go?

After such a toss, she was also sleepy. She took the number six back into the storage ring and fell asleep.

When I got up the next day, I heard the rock rat king banging with her:

"The idiot next door tossed the stone patriarchs for most of the night, and then told them that there was no one suitable for practicing that kind of secret method, which made them all angry."

Yun Chujiu had long guessed that the old man of Nine Fingers was a **** on purpose, and she was too lazy to care about it.

She even wanted to know what abacus the black puppet was playing, and she always felt there was something wrong with it.

At this time, someone knocked on the door.

Yun Chujiu came out and saw that it was the Yun patriarch.

Yun Chujiu was very clear about his intentions, presumably to explore Wan Jingshi puppets.

Sure enough, after a few words of greeting, the Yun clan chief tentatively said:

"It is rumored that the Mountain Tribe Totem has researched the Wanjing Stone Puppet, saying that it will be given to the people of the Mountain Tribe after the success of the experiment, is it true?

Yun Chujiu hesitated for a while before saying, "Patriarch, it stands to reason that I am now a totem left envoy of the hill tribe, and some things should not be said.

But after all, I am a member of the Yun tribe, there are still far and near, since you asked, I do not hide from you, there is indeed this matter.

However, Wan Jingshi puppet is still in the research stage, and its success is unknown. "

Hearing her saying this, the Yun clan sighed with relief and asked, "Will you return to the Yun tribe with me or stay here?"

"After the totem statue is reshaped, I will go back to the tribe. You can rest assured that no matter when, only the Yun tribe is my home.

In addition, I can also watch the progress of Dianwan Stone Puppet here and contact you at any time. "Yun Chujiu said sincerely.

The Yun patriarch was extremely satisfied with Yun Chujiu's answer, and the atmosphere between the two was very harmonious.

When Yun Patriarch was about to leave, Yun Chujiu rubbed his hands: "Patriarch, don't look at me now bearing the name of a totem's left messenger. It looks very beautiful, but actually has no real power.

Especially now that there is another right messenger, my status is even more awkward.

The people of the mountain tribe are all snobbish, and it is difficult to walk without money.

So, can you lend me some money?

Don't use too much, first lend me 100 million! "

Chief Yun: "..."

One hundred million? Not much? Why don't you grab it? !

Besides, borrow? I'm afraid it's the kind of borrowing that doesn't pay.

The question is coming, borrow or not?

If Yun Chujiu did not have the identity of a tomb of the mountain tribe, the Yun patriarch heard of her request for a slap to fly her.

But in different days today, he also expected Yun Chujiu to give him a report, so he gritted his teeth:

"The rush I came out with didn't bring so many crystal stones, is five million enough?"

Yun Chujiu reluctantly said: "Okay, five million is five million, I will save some flowers."

Patriarch Yun wanted to scold, saying as if he owed her!

He feels that he should use the phonograph seal to contact him in the future, it is better not to meet, otherwise it will be easy ... to break the money.

After the Yun patriarch left, Yun Chujiu hummed around the mountain tribe.

She walked and walked to the statue square, looking at the standing totem statue ... the Wan Jing stone piled underneath had some itchy hands. If you take it out and sell it, you will be able to sell a lot of money.

(End of this chapter)

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