Chapter 9151

Of course, Yun Chujiu just thought about it.

At this moment, the rock rat king inside the beast bag exclaimed: "Huh? Yeah! My God! God! Oh no? Is it my dazzle? ..."

Yun Chujiu said silently, "You wouldn't have seen many thousands of fine stones here, so you want to steal it?

I warn you, the Wanjing stone here is used to worship the totem statue, if you dare to eat, just wait to die! "

"No, no, it's just 10,000 fine stones. I don't even think about it. I used to steal more than this!" Diyan Rat King denied.

Yun Chujiu was very puzzled: "What are you fussing about?"

"Do you remember what I told you, the belly of the half-hill side of Stone Mountain is empty?"

Yun Chujiu nodded: "Of course remember, didn't you say that there was a huge Wan Jing stone pith there?"

"If I read correctly, this totem statue is made of ten thousand essence, maybe that one.

You let me go, I looked closer. "The Rock Rat King said.

Yun Chujiu was startled and thought for a while, said: "There are too many people nearby, it is not convenient for you to come out.

Well, there are a lot of rubble falling from above, I got it inside the beast bag, you see. "

Yun Chujiu finished talking and immediately found a few pieces of gravel that were not too big and put it in the storage ring.

Although there are guards around, no one cares about these rubbles, otherwise there will not be too much repercussions last time when the rubble was split by thunder.

The Rock Rat King quickly said:

"These are not the essence of Wan Jing, I estimate that this totem statue is the essence of Wan Jing.

Well, you are closer, I will take a closer look through your consciousness. "

Yun Chujiu heard that he was close to the totem statue. The guards did not step forward to block it. As long as they did not act to damage the totem statue, they would not intervene.

"How is it? Really?" Yun Chujiu asked.

"The shell is not completely peeled off, and I'm not quite sure, but Bacheng is sure." Diyan Rat King said.

Yun Chujiu couldn't help but fall into contemplation when he heard the words of the rock rat king. Was the totem statue actually made of Wan Jing stone pith?

If it is true, there is no need for the black puppet to reshape the statue, because Baqiyu cannot find any better stone.

Besides, Wan Jing's marrow is very strong, even if the shell falls off, there will be no damage inside.

The black puppet can completely make the people of the mountain tribe get a similar shell on the outside, so why bother to remake the totem statue?

In addition, do the stone patriarchs know that the statue was built by Wan Jing?

She felt that they probably did not know, otherwise they would not make a judgment that the statue would be destroyed.

The first thought that came out of her mind was, would she ... get it broken?

If you can buy this old statue at a low price, she will make a big profit when she changes hands in the future!

Not to mention, the more she thinks, the more feasible this method is.

Regardless of what the black puppet thinks, she talks about making a fortune.

Since the old man with nine fingers was responsible for remodeling the totem statue, this matter had to start with him.

When Yun Chujiu was thinking, the nine-finger old man was surrounded by a group of people and took a step that the six relatives did not recognize.

The old man of Nine Fingers saw Yun Chujiu, his footsteps paused a little, and he said, "It's unlucky!"

Why is she here too? !

However, it was too late to turn around and he still forced himself to calm down and took him to Yunchujiu.

Five points to update the remaining two chapters.

(End of this chapter)

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