Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Vol 2 Chapter 9158: What to do with you

Chapter 9158 What Do You Do

Everyone consciously gave way, and no one dared to block the gray puppet. Even if he didn't know the strength of the gray puppet, he intuitively told them that he couldn't afford it.

Seeing the gray puppet left the statue square, Yun Chujiu immediately followed.

The nine-finger old man said, this little girl is really not afraid of death!

How good is it to stay here honestly? !

However, he soon discovered that the Shi patriarch and others had followed suit.

He hesitated for a moment and had to keep up.

No way, if he stayed alone, would he not die if the gray puppet killed a carbine? !

Although the little girl hated it, she seemed to have a very big life, so she followed her to get some insurance.

The gray puppet's pace is very large, and everyone is reluctant to keep up with the running belt. They are surprised to find that the direction of the gray puppet is actually the forbidden place where the tribal totem is located.

What is it going to do?

Is it to see the tribal totem?

Because it is a forbidden land, it is not easy for people like Yun Patriarch to enter.

Unexpectedly, the chieftain of the Shi clan was very generous: "The power is in a hurry, everyone come in!"

Yun patriarch and others are not stupid, I am afraid that the reason why patriarch Shi is so generous may have other intentions.

This grey puppet enemy and friend are unknown, and if it is really difficult, they will be a big help to follow in.

What's more, they also come from different tribes, with different tribal totems supporting them, and it may be helpful at critical moments.

Even so, they decided to go in because they were really curious about the identity of the gray puppet and what it did with the tribal totem.

Moreover, they are worried that they can't find out the puppet of Wan Jingshi, just take this opportunity to find out.

Finally, the gray puppet and the black puppet met.

The black puppet was still lying on his side, and when he saw the gray puppet coming, he said lightly:

"This day is still here, it seems that you can't wait to replace me?"

The gray puppet's voice was old and rough: "Can't wait? You should know how long I waited. You should have given me the tribal totem, because this is what I deserve."

The black puppet chuckled lightly: "You deserve it? Could it be that you are just kidding, you are just a piece of ten thousand essence, how can He De replace me as a mountain tribe totem?"

The grey puppet sneered: "What about Wan Jing's stone pith ?!

The tribes of the mountain tribes have always enshrined me, and even stood me in the center of the tribe. I absorbed the power of their beliefs and opened my mind.

Furthermore, the totem of the mountain tribe should be a mountain stone. What does it have to do with you? ! "

"They worship you just because you are my representative, otherwise you think they will worship you a stone ?!

Moreover, your current shape is just imitating me. In the end, in your heart, you also feel that you are not qualified. Said the black puppet.

The gray puppet is a little bit angry and angry: "I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you anyway. In short, the winner is the king and the loser is the invader. Your current training is less than one percent. Do you think you can win me?

The black puppet sighed softly: "I accidentally hit your way, I have nothing to say.

I also know that it is hard to escape today, but before that, I want to say a few words with them, would n’t you not agree?

If you do n’t agree, I will explode directly, presumably you wo n’t benefit.

Of course, if you agree, you do n’t need to do it, I will do it myself. "

The gray puppet thought for a moment, weighed the pros and cons, and said, "Okay, I agree, but I can only give you half an hour."

(End of this chapter)

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