Chapter 9159 The sky is falling

The black puppet looked at everyone, and finally his eyes fell on the stone patriarch.

It sighed: "Although you have guessed one or two, but I still want to talk to you briefly.

At the beginning of the establishment of the mountain tribe, in order to facilitate your worship, I took a piece of 10,000 essence stone in Houshan, carved the shape of a mountain, and stood on the square.

It's just that I never imagined that this piece of Wan Jing's stone pith slowly gave birth to wisdom, especially after absorbing your power of enlightenment, the strength became more and more refined.

It's good at hiding, plus I'm too careless, and didn't expect such a thing to happen.

So, it's too late to discover!

It has used mysterious methods to deplete my cultivation. As you can see, I can't move any other parts except the head and the left hand.

Admittedly, if I blew myself up, I might be able to die together, but the power of blew up is too great, I am afraid that you, even all the hill tribes, will be buried with them. This is not what I want to see.

So, I'm going to commit suicide, and you will change to believe in him as a tribal totem!

Although it is not an authentic tribal totem, it is enough to shelter you.

How do you treat me before, how do you treat it in the future, as for me, Quan Dang never appeared. "

The inner consternation of the Patriarch Shi and others can no longer be described in words. If they have to be described, it is ... the sky is falling!

The tribal totem is heaven in their hearts!

But now they are told that the tribal totem is about to be replaced?

This is an unprecedented thing!

Wait, it ’s not unprecedented. Cloud Tribe and Dragon Tribe are actually a tribal totem.

Only the strength of the totem after the replacement was far less than the original tribal totem, so that the tribal strength plummeted.

Some people even doubt that this gray puppet will not be related to the Tian tribe?

Otherwise, why is it able to know the method of repairing the black puppet's behavior by using a psychic sacred stone?

If there is no one behind, no one will believe it.

If this is the case, shouldn't the hill tribe be reduced to the same situation as the cloud tribe and the dragon tribe? !

The stone patriarch is naturally unwilling, but how to solve the predicament in front of him?

Unless he can help the black puppet to defeat the gray puppet, otherwise he can only succumb.

But how easy is it to beat the gray puppet? !

Even the black puppet is not its opponent, even if the people present join forces to just shake the tree.

He suddenly looked at Yun Chujiu and asked, "Don't you say that Totem Master is developing Wanjing Stone Puppet? Are you telling lies?"

He looked at the old Jiujiu again: "What you said is also fake?"

Yun Chujiu didn't panic and hurry: "I did this to help Master Totem find the murderer who insulted it.

Do not believe it, do you ask Master Totem if this is the case? "

The black puppet immediately said: "She was right. I asked her to be a totem messenger that day to find out the real murderer.

Later, when I found out the truth, she let her give up the tracing, after all, she was simply unable to compete with Wan Jing's stone pith.

In addition, I also made Shi Duchang a totem right messenger. As for him to reshape the statue, it was also to irritate Wan Jing's pith and make it appear as soon as possible.

Because if it takes a long time, I am afraid that I will die without using it.

At least, there is still a chance to tell you something. "

The remaining two chapters are updated at 4:30.

(End of this chapter)

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