Chapter 9175 Sudden Change

"Black puppets" kept screaming, mixed with temptations, but unfortunately, Yun Chujiu didn't move.

She is a good girl who can't be prostitute, she can't be prostitute, how can she compromise for this? !

The frequency of "black puppets" is getting lower and lower, and the voice is getting weaker and weaker until it disappears.

Yun Chujiu stopped chanting secret words, his face was as pale as paper, and his forehead was covered with sweat beads. He said hard:

"It's gone, so rest assured, rest assured."

After saying this, she stunned.

The Yun patriarch and others hurried over, but when they were near, they all stopped.

Although it seems that Yun Chujiu exterminated the soul of the black puppet, what if the black puppet did not die?

Shi Dukuan wanted to step forward to help Yun Chujiu, but unfortunately he didn't wait for Yun Chujiu to be hit by Xiao Jinyun.

Xiao Jinyun exudes a faint golden light, suspended in front of Yun Chujiu, the meaning is very clear, no one is allowed to approach her.

As a result, everyone dismissed some doubts.

If the black puppet did not die, Xiao Jinyun would not be like that.

After a while, Yun Chujiu woke up "weakly".

Holding her forehead, she said a little hard: "What's wrong with me?"

Shi Dukuan said: "You fainted just now, are you okay? The soul of the black puppet was really killed by you?"

Yun Chujiu nodded: "Well, originally I was going to die with it, but suddenly there was a secret inheritance.

This secret word is very lethal to the black puppet, and it finally makes it go away.

Do you have any panacea to repair your consciousness? I now know that pain is unbearable. "

Before Shi Dukuan spoke, the Yun patriarch and others took out the panacea and handed it to Yun Chujiu.

Yun Chujiu said embarrassedly, but took it all.

She swallowed two capsules, and the rest naturally collected the storage ring.

Everyone did not have any opinions. The wounds of consciousness need to be raised slowly. These medicines are not much.

At this moment, the head of the Yun clan gave a loud cry, and everyone looked at him.

He busy said: "It stands to reason that the black puppets are already flying away, and the stone chiefs' totem power should disappear, but there seems to be nothing unusual.

Only then did the people think of this matter afterwards. If the totem disappeared, it would be reasonable to say that the people of the mountain tribe will definitely be affected.

At this moment, the hill tribe, including the stone patriarch, screamed, and almost all of them were paralyzed on the ground.

The Yun patriarchs and others were shocked, did they have been drawn totem power?

Although there are grievances on weekdays, at this moment, they are really worried for the people of the mountain tribe.

Yun Chujiu frowned, and she didn't want this to happen.

Because once the hill tribes lose their totem power, they can only turn to the Tian tribe.

In this case, it will inevitably be suppressed by the Tian tribe in the future.

The Yun tribe and the Dragon tribe are bad enough. She doesn't want to have more mountain tribes.

But the black puppet was gone. Where did she get a tribal totem? !

Her eyes inadvertently swept over the body of the gray puppet, and her heart moved.

Otherwise, she opened the gray puppet and put the number six in?

If it can succeed, isn't this hill tribe her? !

However, the goods quickly calmed down.

The body of the gray puppet is very hard, and the broken sword may not be able to open it. Besides, even if the number six can successfully control the gray puppet, it can choke on the tribe of the mountain tribe.

(End of this chapter)

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