Chapter 9176 He is not dead

When Yun Chujiu was worried, he saw a motionless stone ball.

Her heart moved. Although the black puppets were all gone, the peak puppets in the stone ball were still there!

The gray puppet was originally born out of it. If it is integrated with the gray puppet, it can certainly replace the original black puppet.

After all, the gray puppet wanted to replace the black puppet before.

Yun Chujiu stood up a bit hard, walked up to Shi Qiu and said:

"Peak, I know you are still there.

You may not be able to digest what happened before, but you have to bear the responsibilities you should bear.

Now only you can save the mountain tribe. If you do n’t stand up, the mountain tribe will die. "

Shi Qiu did not react, and did not know if it heard Yun Chujiu's words.

Yun Chujiu will naturally not give up like this, she continued: "Although all this is caused by the black puppet, but if the gray puppet is not greedy, maybe things will not go to this point.

The gray puppet was born out of you, in a sense you are it ... Daddy, as the so-called father repays, you have to pay it off. "

The stone ball still didn't respond, just like dead.

At this time, the Shi patriarch begged: "Master Gaofeng, the fate of our mountain tribe is in your hands. Please send mercy and help us!"

Master Chun Tang and others heard the words, and they all endured the pain of consciousness and pleaded.

Stone Ball finally moved, but there was no other reaction.

Yun Chujiu rolled his eyes: "Pinnacle, should you deserve your name? Only if you become the totem of the mountain tribe, you can go to the peak completely.

Think about it, if you become a tribal totem, from now on, you are the top-level existence of stone puppets.

Not to mention anything else, my three puppets saw you afterwards, and only the trembling part was so relieved?

By the way, and your former master who died, if the corpse resurrected knowing that you became the totem of the mountain tribe, it is estimated that you would fall off your chin ... "

I don't know if the last sentence touched the peak puppet, and the stone ball finally rolled forward.

The stone ball rolled all the way to the front of the gray puppet, and then floated up, falling into the front of the gray puppet.

All of them stared nervously, and they were not very bottomless.

Originally, in their cognition, if the totem was gone, it would be completely over.

Although there are examples of the cloud tribe and the dragon tribe, the puppets of these two tribes are given by the sky tribe after all, can this peak puppet really work?

Xu Yu, the peak puppet's fingers moved, and then palms, arms and other parts moved.

After a while, the Peak Puppet stood up.

Almost at the same time, the situation of the Shi patriarchs and others improved greatly.

Everyone couldn't help but ecstasy, did it really become? !

Yun Chujiu was also very happy, but she was a little confused. Why did the peak puppet replace the black puppet so smoothly?

At this time, the peak puppet made a sound for the first time in his life, somewhat difficult and obscure: "He, no, die, save, he."

At the beginning, Yun Chujiu didn't respond. After thinking for a while, I knew that the peak puppet should say that the nine-finger old man didn't die.

She hurried to Shi Du's long body and sniffed her nose.

What puzzled her was that she still had no breath of life.

She pondered a bit, and tried to release the long stone soul inside the Soul Lock Lamp.

If the old man with nine fingers didn't die, then his elementary soul might be forced back to the soul lock lamp.

(End of this chapter)

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