Chapter 9177 Who is Stupid

Yun Chujiu released Shi Du's long soul, and then stared at the lock soul lamp.

I saw that the wick inside gave out a faint light, and the old man with nine fingers was really not dead!

At the same time, the weak voice of the nine-finger old man came from her consciousness: "It's really not easy for me to be alive!"

Yun Chuji wondered: "Don't the black puppet detonate your soul? How are you still alive?"

The old man of Nine Fingers said: "When he gave me the peak puppet at that time, I thought his tone and expression were very similar to those when you were pitting people, so I separated a small strand of soul.

Hearing this, Yun Chujiu suddenly realized.

It was precisely because the old man with nine fingers left a hand, that not only did he save his life, but also the black puppet failed to completely explode the stone gallbladder, which led to the subsequent development.

I have to say that thanks to the old Jiujiu, it would be difficult to end today.

At this time, the old man with nine fingers said with emotion: "It's all thanks to you. I wouldn't leave my hand unconsciously unless it was cast out by you.

I really want to understand this time, and you can't fight against anyone who is against you, because the people who are against you don't end well. "

Yun Chujiu: "..."

Before she could say anything in the future, she heard Shi Du's shouting like crazy: "I have become a person! I am finally not a wick!"

Great, and finally left that ghost place! "

He was yelling, the gray puppet impatiently pressed him ... into the soil, and then asked Yun Chujiu inconsistently:

"Then, old, stupid, what?"

Yun Chujiu reacted for a moment, only to realize that it was talking about the old man with nine fingers, and said quickly:

"He has been put into the Soul Lock Lamp by me. If you want to communicate with him, I will help you to relay his words."

While she was speaking, the nine-finger old man in the Soul Locker scolded weakly and said, "Dare this idiot dare to talk to me like this? I don't know how to be humble!

Anyway, I'm still the former owner of it, so I'm so mad! "

Yun Chujiu naturally will not relay his words to the peak puppet, Quan Dang did not hear anything.

At this time, Peak Puppet said: "Ask, who is he, stupid?"

The old man with nine fingers almost used all his strength to shout: "Of course you are stupid! Your hair is stupid!"

However, he heard Yun Chujiu say: "He said he was stupid, he had no eyes, he just didn't see you so powerful, he now regrets that the intestines are green."

The peak puppet heard the words, and the corners of his mouth were raised, and he didn't speak again.

After a while, it said: "Lamp, raise slowly, it is better to get a puppet and keep it."

The peak puppet talk has been smoother than before, but Yun Chujiu still didn't quite understand its meaning.

The peak puppet did not explain, but grabbed a few, and the puppets that Yun Chujiu used to deal with black puppets all turned into black powder.

I don't know how the peak puppet operates. In short, the black powder will become a black puppet.

This black puppet is about the size of an adult, but with a big head ...

At this time, the peak puppet said: "Put his, the soul of the soul inside, warm up and recover quickly."

When Yun Chujiu heard the words, he asked the nine-finger old man: "Do you decide to listen to it?"

The old man with nine fingers hesitated for a while, and finally decided to enter the puppet to warm up.

He now has only a small wisp of remnant soul. If it is warmly raised by the soul-locking lamp, it is estimated that it has to be raised for thousands of years.

Continue tomorrow, remember to vote!

(End of this chapter)

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