Chapter 9178

Although the nine-finger old man has decided to enter the puppet to warm up, he still hypocritically said:

"You talk to Pinnacle, the puppet it pinches is too ugly. If nothing else, the head is too big!

You ask it to fix it for me again. "

Yun Chujiu said angrily: "Less nonsense, if you want to enter, hurry up, there are a lot of things to deal with, there is no time for you to delay time."

Nine-finger old man mumbled: "If I hadn't kept my eye on it, maybe you would be in big trouble!"

I made a small request and refused to meet it. It really crossed the river and demolished the bridge. "

Yun Chujiu ignored him and released his soul directly from the Soul Lock Lamp.

The peak puppet scratched a bit, and the old soul of the nine-finger old man was stuffed into the puppet.

The nine-finger old man felt dizzy for a moment, and after slowing down, he tried to control various parts of the puppet.

Although this puppet is very delicate, it is a puppet after all, and it is still a bit stiff in action.

The old man of Nine Fingers wanted to vent his dissatisfaction, but when he saw today's peak puppet, he was short of confidence.

He kind of pleased: "Peak, thank you for making this puppet for me.

It's just that this puppet is a little inflexible and has a big head. Can you help me change it? "

The peak puppet said with no ups and downs: "Lack, what, make up, what."

Nine fingers old man: "..."

Does this mean that he has a bad brain? stupid?

The old man of Nine Fingers will say it again. Yun Chujiu glared at him, and he had to close his mouth.

He had some regrets in his heart. He knew that Pinnacle was so powerful. He had been better with it at the beginning. Maybe he was now under 10,000 people alone!

Now it's okay, I have to send someone to listen to the arrangement of the little girl, otherwise there is no way to gain a foothold in Baqi.

At this time, he heard Yun Chujiu said to the Shi patriarch: "Stone patriarch, can some people retreat temporarily? I want to ask some important questions about the Peak Puppet."

The Shi patriarch knew what she meant, leaving only those who made a decisive move, and sent the others away.

Moreover, after the incidents just now, the mountain tribe has become a mess, and people need to appease it.

Yun Chujiu pointed to Shi Duchang, who was "planted" in the field by the peak puppet. The Shi patriarch's face was a little ugly, and he was dragged out and taken away.

Yun Chujiu then looked at the peak puppet and asked: "Pinnacle, it stands to reason that you are not the original tribal totem, so why can you replace the black puppet?

How did you learn about these mysteries? "

These problems are also the confusion of the Yun patriarch and others. If you can make a thing that can replace the tribal totem, don't you change it?

Pinnacle Puppet did not conceal, but frankly said: "First, it has long had the idea of ​​seizing the body of Wan Jing Shi Shi, so when the mining of Wan Jing Shi Shi was infused with a trace of heritage.

Secondly, in order to detonate me, it attached its elemental soul to the old stupid elemental soul, and then invaded my elementary soul.

This invasion is two-sided, on the one hand it can detonate me, on the other hand I can also spy on its soul.

Although it is impossible to detect all the things it knows, it also knows a rough idea. "

Peak Puppet said so many things for the first time, so it was very slow.

But it does not prevent everyone from understanding what it means. It turns out that this is the case. It seems that the peak puppet can replace the black puppet is a coincidence of various opportunities and cannot be easily copied.

The nine-finger elderly's concern is: Who is the old idiot? How do you feel like talking about him?

The first is more.

(End of this chapter)

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