Chapter 9185 An Idea

After the dog's tail perceives Yun Chujiu's idea, he can't help but sniff, the king among the mushrooms?


It ’s the weak chicken in the mushroom!

Sister Mushroom, forget it, anyway, it is also the object of his heart, so I will not say anything.

Just talking about that little scoop, that is a little weak chicken!

Huh, if it were n’t for the little sister ’s affection, I would have cleaned it up already.

It has been known for a long time that she turns around the little mushroom sister, and almost does not leave the beast bag. At first glance, it is a wasteless ambition!

Little Mushroom's sister is Gu Nun's old love, otherwise he will definitely choose it as the world's most powerful man.

Taking a step back 10,000, the little mushroom sister and the weak chicken have a deterrent effect on the common monster mushroom, but what is the existence of the black mushroom?

It is a tribal totem of the Tu tribe, how could they be scared by them? !

The wicked little girl is really clever for a while!

Rather than counting on them, it is better to count on the big evil star hidden in the small golden cloud, which is a big killer.

What did Dashaxing think? Do you want to hide in Xiaojinyun all your life?

But this is good, it has turned into a cloud, naturally there is no way to roll the bed sheet with the little girl with a black heart, and it will not be angry at it from time to time.

When it thought so, it came up with an idea, how great it would be if Dashaxing could not always become a human being! So that it can be free from scolding.

Huh? It's a bit of a thought so ... lack of virtue.

Yun Chujiu naturally didn't know the idea of ​​the dog's tail grass, she learned some things from Tu Xiushan and Tu Xiujiu, and then stayed in the guest house.

Early the next morning, after having breakfast, the Tu Tuan headed across the river with Yun Chujiu and others.

In fact, they were quite entangled with the Yun patriarch. They even abandoned the idea of ​​crossing the river.

It ’s really the black mushroom ’s notoriety. Its temperament does n’t even consider whether they are from the Tu tribes, and it ’s not wrong to explode.

If I broke my arms and legs, where would I cry? !

But under the last balance, he still gritted his teeth on the ship.

After all, what Yun Chujiu wants to ask is too important. If they don't see it with their own eyes, they always feel uneasy.

Although the shoreless river looks peculiar, there are no big waves, and the ship reaches the opposite bank smoothly.

I do n’t know if it ’s an illusion. Yun Chujiu found that Tu Tuan ’s legs were a little shaking.

She looked at the other seven patriarchs again. Although her legs were not shaking, she looked very disturbed.

At the first glance, Yun Chujiu saw two big pits not far away, and the distance was not far.

It was just that one of the pits was covered with wild grass, and the other was bare.

She understood it with a little thought. It is estimated that the pit covered with wild grass was previously exploded, and the other one was newly exploded. It was too late to grow grass!

At this time, the Chief Tu Tu lowered his voice and instructed: "When you speak later, you must pay attention to the use of words and expressions. Don't anger Master Totem."

Yun Chujiu was a little speechless: "Patriarch Tu, you have told me more than a dozen times, I remember it all, rest assured!"

The Patriarch Tu said in heart, I'm relieved of you, I mainly don't worry about the ancestor!

Come here, even if you're afraid, you have to go inside with your scalp.

As you go in, there are more and more pits on the road, which can be described as large pits and small pits, and deep pits and shallow pits.

Yun Chujiu said, this black mushroom seems to really love to fry.

While thinking about it, the Chief Tu Tu couldn't stand, kneeling on the ground and said very respectfully, "Master Totem, please show up."

"Come here!" An urging voice rang out.

There are four chapters left, updated at seven.

(End of this chapter)

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