Chapter 9186 Insomnia

The Chief Tu Tu sighed a little, and it seemed that Lord Totem was in a good mood today.

Because if you are in a bad mood, you won't even see him even when you meet.

After the Tu Patriarch stood up, they took Yun Chujiu and continued on.

After walking for about two miles, the Patriarch Tu could not stand still.

Yun Chujiu looked around and found that the pits here are denser than any other place, and the grass is not growing. It is estimated that this is the place where the black mushrooms usually stay.

But, where is the black mushroom?

When Yun Chujiu was looking around, the Yun patriarch dragged her sleeve.

Yun Chujiu discovered that Patriarch Tu had kneeled on the ground again, and several other patriarchs also showed great respect.

She had to learn from them like a gourd and a scoop, and she stood with her eyebrows down, no longer looking around.

"What are you doing with these outsiders?" The urging voice before said impatiently.

Yun Chujiu glanced at it, and saw a small mushroom mushrooming out of a pit ...

It is half a fist to say that it is a little mushroom.

Don't look small, the black mushroom's style is not small.

After it jumped out, it was supported by a beard, and it was much higher than everyone at once.

The Chief Tu Tu took a deep breath, and then said cautiously, "Master Totem, let me introduce you to ..."

Before he had finished speaking, Black Mushroom said impatiently: "Introduce a fart! Isn't it just a fool of several other tribes ?!"

If you have something to say, there is fart! "

The Patriarch Tu had no choice but to point to Yun Chujiu: "She enshrined the former totem of the Yun tribe. Today she came to have something to ask you."

Black Mushroom wondered: "The front totem of the Yun tribe? Isn't it already what?"

Speaking of which, it looked at Yun Chujiu and said impatiently: "What do you want to ask? Hurry up and don't delay me to make up."

Yun Chujiu curiously said: "Busy? Do you sleep well? Frequent insomnia?"

The chieftain Tu and others almost cried!

What the **** question did you ask? ! You are asking the right thing!

Besides, you are not afraid to irritate the black mushroom when you ask these questions. What if it explodes? !

Everyone raised their vigilance while defecating, and once the black mushrooms exploded, they fled.

Black Mushroom said impatiently: "If you care about my insomnia or insomnia, quickly ask, and leave without asking!"

"Okay, don't ask if you don't ask, I just remembered that I had a cure for insomnia, and it worked.

I'm here ... "

Before Yun Chujiu's words, Black Mushroom interrupted, "What method?"

Yun Chujiu said: "This has to be formulated according to different situations and can not be generalized.

This is not important, let's talk about other things first! "

Black Mushroom snorted coldly: "Humph! I don't care whether it's important or not!

Let me tell you this. I have a friend who has insomnia all night and all night, and can't sleep well several times a year.

After a long time, I was very upset and irritable, so I exploded when I was okay.

In this situation, can you cure it? "

Yun Chujiu knew that this is the "friend is you" series, it seems that the black mushroom has a bad temper because of insomnia!

The Tu Tuan and others were not stupid, and they naturally guessed it.

Dumbfounded, they didn't even dream that the black mushroom was so irritable because ... insomnia.

Yun Chujiu said with his chest: "Of course this can be cured, but it needs to be communicated to find the root cause.

Where is your friend? I have to talk to it personally. "

(End of this chapter)

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