Chapter 9187 The Mushroom with Story

Black Mushroom did not answer Yun Chujiu's words, but asked the Tu Tuan: "What is she saying? Is she able to cure insomnia?"

The Chief Tu Tu said, how can I know? !

However, until now things can only be said daringly: "Yes, she does have such a skill."

Black Mushroom said to Yun Chujiu: "It's in front, you follow me! Other people are waiting here, if they dare to follow, I will blow you up!"

Yun Chujiu nodded, Shi Shiran followed the black mushroom inside.

When the shadow of her and Black Mushroom could not be seen, Patriarch Tu looked at Patriarch Yun anxiously, lowering his voice and asking:

"Is that what she said is true? If you talk nonsense, I'm afraid you can't save your life!"

Chief Yun shook his head: "I don't know, wait and see! That little girl is clever and should be able to cope."

Everyone was right to think that for so many years they did not see that the black mushroom was grumpy because of insomnia. Maybe the little girl could really cure it.

On the other side, Yun Chujiu went out with the black mushroom for about two miles, and the black mushroom could not stand.

"You take a poison oath first, and don't say what I said to you, or I'll blow you up now." Black Mushroom said fiercely.

Yun Chujiu said right now: "I Yun Chujiu swears to the sky that if I leak the conversation with Master Black Mushroom, I will be struck by thunder, not to die."

Black Mushroom nodded with satisfaction, but the person on the other side was unaware of the thunder.

Yun Chujiu hasn't been in trouble for a long time!

Before, she didn't have suitable exercises. She was worried about being reset to zero after being struck by lightning, so she was afraid of being struck by lightning.

However, it is not the same now. She studied "Hua Yun Jue" and has solved the problem of thunder.

In addition, the dog's tail grass is out of stock, and it is urgently needed to be struck by lightning.

Black Mushroom struggled for a while, and then said: "In fact, it is me who suffers from insomnia, don't you say it can be cured? How to cure?"

Yun Chujiu pretended to be surprised: "Ah, it was you who was insomnia. I really thought your friend was insomnia."

Black Mushroom is very satisfied with her performance, no matter whether she is pretending or not, at least she is giving it a face.

Yun Chujiu continued: "How long have you been suffering from insomnia? Can't you fall asleep or easily wake up after falling asleep?"

Black Mushroom said a bit depressed: "I can't remember how long it has been. In short, I haven't had a good sleep for a long time.

Not only is it difficult to fall asleep, it is easy to wake up when you fall asleep, you say, what the **** is going on? "

"Did you sleep during this time?" Yun Chujiu asked.

"Naturally, I can't sleep at all!" Black Mushroom said angrily.

Yun Chujiu was a little bit confused, wouldn't this insomnia be born naturally? Or give it some medicine?

No, this thing should be a monster mushroom.

Monster mushrooms should have natural resistance to poisons, and are useless at all.

Or beat it up?

This will certainly not work, it is estimated that it has exploded before it has started beating.

It seems that it can only be ... fooled.

Although she had no idea, she had a clear look on her face.

"Master Black Mushroom, IMHO, you are heart disease!"

"Heart disease? It's nonsense! What can I do?" Black Mushroom said excitedly.

Yun Chujiu heard, hey, hey, it seems that this thing is a mushroom with a story!

Yun Chujiu sighed: "Master Black Mushroom, if you refuse to tell me the truth, I can't cure your illness."

(End of this chapter)

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