Chapter 9188 Fresh

Black Mushroom hesitated for a while and said a little impatiently: "OK, OK, I will tell you, anyway, you also swear poison and will not tell others.

That, that, I'm afraid of black. "

Yun Chujiu: "..."

Black Mushroom continued: "As soon as it gets dark, I always feel that someone is hurting me, so I am always vigilant and can't sleep at all.

Therefore, I can only make up during the day.

However, I do n’t know why, and the effect of daytime sleep is not good. I ca n’t sleep well and have nightmares from time to time.

I ’m telling the truth, should you know how to cure it now?

Humph! If only you can heal me, I will blow you up if it can't be cured! "

Yun Chujiu said, as a demon mushroom actually afraid of black?

It's a big joke.

However, it stands to reason that if the day and night are reversed for a long time, it should have been adapted long ago, why can't it fall asleep during the day?

In order to delay the time, she said: "Master Black Mushroom, your situation is a bit complicated, I have to think about it."

Black Mushroom said impatiently: "Yes, then I will give you half an hour! I happen to be a little hungry and have something to eat."

Black Mushroom said, it was estimated that a bunch of white mushrooms were obtained from its own space and eaten.

Yun Chujiu is curious. Does this thing have a mouth?

Upon closer inspection, I suddenly realized that this stuff is absorbed by mycelium.

This is the same as the little mushrooms.

It is estimated that these white mushrooms are the water mushrooms. I heard that they are very delicious. I really want to try them.

This product is also big-hearted, and rubbed his hands and said: "Master Black Mushroom, that, I haven't eaten breakfast, can you let me eat a few more water mushrooms?"

Black Mushroom sneered a little: "It's really a rice bucket! Just know to eat!"

Having said that, it was thrown to Yunchujiu a few water mushrooms.

Yun Chujiu heard Tu Xiushan said that although this thing is okay to eat raw, it is definitely not fried and boiled.

So, she took out a small alchemy stove, threw in a few water mushrooms, and put some meat rolls inside, sucking her nose and waiting to eat.

As the water gurgles, the scent diffuses.

Yun Chujiu took a spoon and scooped up some soup. After blowing it, he couldn't wait to drink it.

Although it was a bit hot, the delicious taste made her sigh of satisfaction, too fresh!

No wonder the black mushrooms have taken the water mushrooms, which is really a rare delicacy.

Before, she thought that the fine stalagmites of the mountain tribe were delicious enough, but compared with this water mushroom, it was still a little worse.

Black Mushroom looked at the side and sneered, "Look at your lifeless! I have never been as anxious as you, and I always eat slowly."

Yun Chujiu said heartily that you have been eating for so many years, and of course you will not be anxious.

She didn't care about the black mushrooms anymore, she soon ate all the meat rolls in the pot of soup, and then she had a comfortable hiccup.

At this moment, the dog's tail grass in Dantian kept cheering.

Yun Chujiu frowned slightly, and the dog's tail grass wanted to eat too?

Is this extract mushroom poisonous?

No, Tu Xiushan had eaten them before, and no one had ever been poisoned.

She thought again that dogtail grass not only likes to eat poisonous things, it also likes some natural materials.

It is estimated that this water mushroom is rare, so greedy.

She said with her consciousness, "No, I won't wait until I fooled this guy, and I'll get you some more."

Yun Chujiu looked at the black mushroom side when he said it, and he was speechless.

She just saw the black mushrooms make a lot of water mushrooms, there are at least a few hundred flowers, at this time there are few left.

This black mushroom is too edible!

(End of this chapter)

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