Chapter 9201 Enlightenment

Black Mushroom was a little ignorant when he heard Yun Chujiu's words.

Is she testing the drug by herself?

It said a little irritably: "Forget it, forget it, try it!"

Speaking of which, it looked around, hesitated, and asked, "What about that ugly dog?"

The two dogs in the bag of the spirit beast shuddered, and it was over. This is to settle the accounts after the autumn!

At this time, it heard Yun Chujiu said: "Yesterday he kneeled a little longer and passed out, so I put it in the beast bag."

"Half? Didn't you die?" Black Mushroom asked busy.

Ergouzi is so angry!

I wish I could die!

This **** black mushroom, let's wait and see!

Yun Chujiu sighed: "It's not dead but it's not dead, but it is estimated that it was scared and a little weak."

Black Mushroom's mood is a little complicated, on the one hand it's a pity, why didn't he die? !

If the ugly dog ​​dies, it doesn't have to worry about whether it is love or not.

But on the other hand, he was relieved again, although the dead dog looked ugly, but he spoke quite well, and it was a pity to die.

It was entangled for a while, before saying: "You put it out, I have something to ask it."

Yun Chujiu saw that it didn't look like he was going to blow up Ergouzi, so he released the Ergouzi.

Er Gouzi is quite capable of acting, pretending to be half dead.

The black mushroom glanced at it and almost vomited again!

It made a decision silently, regardless of whether it was love, it had to stay away from this ugly dog, because it is too spicy eyes.

It simply didn't go to Er Gouzi and asked, "I ask you, why did you say those words to me yesterday? What did you think when you said those words?"

Although it has made a decision, it still wants to confirm whether the ugly dog ​​really means that to him.

Er Gouzi's face was ignorant, but he still said conscientiously: "Master Black Mushroom, that's all my sincere words. You shine in my heart, no one can compare!"

Black Mushroom sighed in his heart, it seems that his attraction to this ugly dog ​​is not so great!

Regardless of what you think, this ugly dog ​​must have fallen in love with himself, and it is the kind of miserable love.

Forget it, for its obsessive part, enlighten it.

"Ugly dog, you have to understand the truth, love is to please each other, not wishful thinking.

Therefore, it is not yours, don't force it, otherwise it will hurt you and yourself, and you will lose the gain. "

Ergouzi's face, what is crazy about this black mushroom early in the morning?

Does this seem to be to you? Say something to me? !

Ah, got it!

Black Mushroom wanted to tell the little mushroom these words, indicating that it had figured it out, and no longer entangled it.

It is estimated to be a face-saving, not easy to say directly, so I came here.

In this case, I will cooperate with it so that it will not come to Taiwan.

So Er Gouzi agreed with his face: "Master Black Mushroom makes sense, love really cannot be forced.

Love is not possession but fulfillment. If the other party can be happy, it is worthwhile to sacrifice. "

Black Mushroom heard Er Gouzi say this, and it was strange to her.

Although this ugly dog ​​looks ugly, he is still a male, but he is kind-hearted and a good dog.

It is a pity that there is no chance.

It sighed: "Since you understand this truth, I won't say much.

Although you are awkward and still a weak chicken, there will always be blindly looking at you, don't be discouraged. "

Er Gouzi: Suddenly wanted to eat a whole mushroom feast.

Continue tomorrow and ask for a wave of votes every day!

(End of this chapter)

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