Chapter 9202 Five Elements

Er Gouzi faced the madness of the black mushroom's "enlightenment":

You are so cold, your whole family is cold!

You pitiful lover, so sorry to tell me this seriously? !

If you can't beat you, you have to let you know what will happen if you have a cheap mouth.

Despite being very annoyed, it said with a touch of emotion on his face: "Thank you Master Black Mushroom for his good words, I wrote down."

Seeing this, Mushroom felt that Er Gouzi looked ugly, but still had many advantages.

For example, this character is very good, very docile.

It's a pity that no matter how good it is, it's a fate.

Black Mushroom didn't talk to Er Gouzi anymore, but floated to Yunchujiu.

"No need to wait for the result, I can tell you everything you want to know now, and then you can leave here!"

It didn't want to see Ergouzi again, and it didn't want to sprinkle salt on the wound.

In addition, it does not expect to have any love in the future, and will naturally fall asleep at night.

As for extracting water mushrooms, eat less in the future.

Yun Chujiu was a little surprised, didn't he say he had to wait three days? Why didn't you wait?

However, she will not be stupid, Haw refused.

"Thank you Master Black Mushroom, so please tell where the summon beast came from?"

"I don't know." Black Mushroom said straightforwardly.

Yun Chujiu: "..."

"Why did the tribe solicit several tribal totems as a medium that day?"

"I do not know."

Yun Chujiu was almost mad!

Do n’t you know you did n’t say it early? !

Besides, how could you not know? !

Er Gouzi couldn't be more angry. If it wasn't to help the little fairy talk, would it bear the burden of pleasing the grumpy black mushroom? !

As a result, it knows nothing?

When he was about to draw a circle in his heart to curse the black mushroom, he heard the black mushroom say:

"What I said is true, our memories are all missing, or partly sealed.

Not just me, other tribal totems are also unclear. "

Although Yun Chujiu didn't know about black mushrooms in particular, he intuitively didn't tell lies.

She was a little discouraged. If so, wouldn't it be possible to go down?

At this time, Black Mushroom said again: "However, for so many years, we are not ignorant."

Yun Chujiu gritted his teeth straight, can't he pant when he talks!

"We guess that the secret is hidden in the Baqi secret realm. If you have the opportunity to go in and explore it, you might get something." Black Mushroom said.

When Yun Chujiu heard it, he was frustrated again!

The Baqi Secret Realm can only be opened again after five years, when the daylilies are cold.

Besides, she had also probed in the Baqi Secret Realm before. Although it was not thoroughly probed, she did not find anything unusual.

Even so, she asked: "Master Black Mushroom, I don't hide from you, I went in and probed it again, but there is nothing to gain, do you have any clues?"

Black Mushroom was silent for a moment, and then said: "I have a fragment here. It is said that it is related to the clue in the Baqi Secret Realm. Take it!"

After the black mushroom finished, a yellow-colored fragment appeared in front of Yun Chujiu, which looked like a petal.

Yun Chujiu puzzled and asked: "How to use this fragment?"

"Then I don't know. You can go and ask the totems of the Jin tribe, the wood tribe, the sea tribe, and the fire tribe, and perhaps gain something else." Black Mushroom said vaguely.

Yun Chujiu's thoughts turned, and the four tribes that Black Mushroom said corresponded to Jinmu Shuihuo, plus it, it happened to be five elements.

Could this fragment correspond to the five elements?

Six chapters are updated today, and the remaining five chapters are updated at six o'clock.

(End of this chapter)

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