Chapter 9203 It Fucks You

Yun Chujiu wanted to ask again, but the black mushroom said impatiently:

"I've told you everything I know. Hurry and go! If you don't go, I change my mind and you can't go."

Yun Chujiu wasn't good enough to ask again, and what's more, the black mushroom knows that.

However, there is one more thing to do!

She glanced at the fungus pond not far away, and said with a cheek: "Master Black Mushroom, I haven't researched the water mushrooms very well. Can I take some back to study?"

Black Mushroom glanced at Er Gouzi who was beside Yun Chujiu, and said that Quan Dang was a farewell gift for this ugly dog.

So, agreed.

Yun Chujiu began to pick water mushrooms.

This product didn't even know what was enough. The black mushroom saw that the pond was half empty. It was really intolerable and said angrily:

"It's almost done! Are you trying to evacuate my bacteria pool ?!"

Yun Chujiu didn't stop here. I couldn't help but feel sorry. The water mushrooms have strict requirements on the growth environment, otherwise they can get out of such a pool in the too virtual secret.

It would be great if I could move this hot spring pool to a too virtual secret area!

It is meaningless to stay here after the wool is finished, so Yun Chujiu and Black Mushroom said goodbye and turned to leave.

When he left, he put the two dogs into the bag of spirit beasts.

Black Mushroom looked at Yun Chujiu's back, and had some resentment in his heart.

Although the ugly dog ​​had some spicy eyes, it wanted to look at it twice, after all, it would never be seen again.

Unfortunately, it was put away.

Black Mushroom sighed silently, and did not know to hand that piece to her, right?

It's a pity that the black heart cloud has been annihilated, otherwise you can ask it.

Forget it, it is estimated that she is the only person in the world who worships the black heart cloud, and it can only be given to her.

Yun Chujiu had already walked a few miles away at this time, and Er Gouzi suddenly proudly said:

"Little fairy, I suddenly felt that the black mushroom seemed to be conquered by my dog ​​personality!

You said, does it want to worship with me? "

Yun Chujiu couldn't help rolling his eyes: "Ergoo, didn't you sleep last night, so you daydreamed?"

Er Gouzi said: "What I said is true, when you pick water mushrooms, it wants to stop you several times.

But after looking at me a few times, it suffocated back.

Also, yesterday it clearly stated that if I could not draw a portrait, I would be killed, and then it would be gone.

It just screamed that we were leaving, maybe it was because I found that I couldn't hold my charm, so I was a little angry.

However, this is no wonder. I have found that since I became bald, both dog face and dog personality have reached new heights. "

Yun Chujiu heard it and thought about it for a while, as if it made some sense.

When she was picking the water mushrooms, she kept abreast of the changes in the mood of the black mushrooms. Indeed, there were times when it had to be stopped, and somehow it was contained.

Is it true that Er Gouzi has a friendship with Er Gouzi?

But how do you feel weird?

She suddenly thought of the questions that Black Mushroom asked her yesterday, and then reminisced about the script she read yesterday, and then squatted on the ground.

Because, my stomach hurts, I laugh.

Er Gouzi's stunned face: "Little fairy, what's wrong with you? Are you okay?"

Yun Chujiu smiled and said with his consciousness: "Black Mushroom is indeed conquered by you, it looks at you, ha ha ha, ha ha ha!"

(End of this chapter)

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