Chapter 9204 Shameless

Er Gouzi didn't respond a little: "What does it look like to see me? Do you think it wants to worship me?"

"No, you want to be a brother with it, it just wants to be a husband and wife with you, haha, haha, hahaha ..." Yun Chujiu had to laugh off his breath!

Er Gouzi: "..."

Its first reaction was that the fairy was talking nonsense!

It can't beat the black mushroom at all. !

Besides, it is pure men!

However, it recalled what the Black Mushroom said to it this morning, and it was really weird.

Is it true that the little fairy said?

Er Gouzi was silent for a moment, then shouted: "Little Fairy, you let me go, I will kill it!

Shameless, coveted me, really looking for death!

It doesn't look in the mirror either. It looks like a dump of cow dung. Can I look at it? !

Besides, I only like beautiful little females!

I'm so mad!

You let me go out quickly, don't stop me, I won't kill it today, I won't call Er Gouzi! "

"Are you sure? If yes, I will let you out." Yun Chujiu said with a smile.

Er Gouzia gaba gab mouthed, the difference in strength is a little disparity, if it is in the past, maybe not only can not find the scene, but also may be ... Golden House hidden.

Er Gouzi thought of this, suddenly a little ... want to vomit.

However, if he loses or loses, he sneers: "Forget it, forget it, it still matters. Let's live a few more days.

Waiting for you to finish the business, I will come back to clean it up! "

Yun Chujiu had a clear idea of ​​it, and it was not broken, but he thought it was very interesting.

According to the words that Black Mushroom asked her, Black Mushroom may not really be in favor of Er Gouzi, but because the experience is too shallow, so I misunderstood.

Really a simple kid paper!

Yun Chujiu continued to move forward while stealing music, and soon saw the Tu Patriarch and others waiting there.

Although some old men have been cleaned up, they are still a little embarrassed.

They saw Yun Chujiu, and they were all greeted when they were busy.

Yun Chujiu couldn't say anything forbidden, so he signaled to go back and say it again.

The group went directly to the Patriarch Tu's study.

The reason why I did n’t go to the Huike Hall was because the Chief Tu Tuan was afraid of being eavesdropped by the people of the Tian tribe.

Entering the study, Yun Chujiu briefly said things, and then took out the piece.

Several patriarchs have studied it in the past and have not seen anything, but they have never seen such a material.

The Shi patriarch of the mountain tribe said in a sullen way: "Why are there only fragments of the totems of your five tribes? Is it really because of the five elements?"

Among the eight tribes, the dragon tribe and the cloud tribe have special circumstances. In this way, only their hill tribe has no debris.

Chief Huo had been in disagreement with him before, so he proudly said: "There is no way, who can make your mountain tribe not a Wuxing tribe!"

Besides, your black puppet has a bad heart, but fortunately, it has no debris, otherwise it may cause trouble. "

The stone patriarch snorted coldly and stopped talking.

The Yun patriarch came out to play the round and asked Yun Chujiu: "Which tribe are you going to?"

Yun Chujiu didn't have any tribes that he wanted to visit. Anyway, the remaining five tribes went, and he said, "Then go to the nearest wooden tribe!"

The several patriarchs had no opinions, so they had to go to the left and right, whichever was the same first.

However, some people, no, there is grass but it is broken!

(End of this chapter)

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