Chapter 9219

Yun Chujiu met with the Jin patriarch and others and went to see the Jin tribe totem.

The golden tribe totem is in a bamboo forest, but it is in line with its hermit style.

The Golden Tribe Totem is a white sword, and I do n’t know what material it is made of. It seems to have a bit of immortality.

Bai Jian reclined on a bamboo chair at this time, and after hearing the elder Jin explain his intention, he made the voice of the old man:

"Since the black mushroom and the tree of life have given you the fragments, I can't refuse you."

When everyone heard it, they were relieved, and the Golden Tribe Totem really talked.

Only Yun Chujiu's eyes flickered and felt that things would not be so simple.

Sure enough, Bai Jian's words turned: "The fragments can be given to you, but they cannot be handed over to you so easily.

It ’s not that I want to embarrass you, but that the owner of the shard has explained that only those who pass the test can take the shard. "

When the Jin patriarchs and others listened, they suddenly showed nervousness, the test? What test?

Bai Jian said, "Since you have nine people, all of you will take the test!"

Although the Jin patriarchs and others had no idea, they thought that Bai Jian's temperament was peaceful, and they should not be too embarrassed to join them.

Yun Chujiu didn't say a word, but when she came, she calmed down, and when she painted it, she left!

At this time, Bai Jian said:

"You in turn let me stab a sword, as long as you can hold back the silence, you will pass the first level."

Everyone: "..."

What the **** is this? !

Doesn't it mean that Bai Jian's temperament is peaceful and uncontested? This test is too abnormal!

At this time, Bai Jian sighed:

"I know what you are thinking, this test is not set by me, but by the master of debris, and I can't help it."

Yun Chujiu intuition Bai Jian is talking nonsense, if the owner of the fragment is such a temperament, there is no reason to only instruct Bai Jian but not the black mushroom and the tree of life.

It seems that this white sword is a fake hermit, a real villain.

Two dogs who are preparing to expose Bai Jian's true face: "..."

Er Gouzi was a little ignorant, he didn't say anything yet, the little fairy saw it by herself?

Should I say that the little fairy is too clever, or that Dashaxing is superfluous?

Little fairy, little fairy, you read all these words in vain!

Do n’t you know that girls should show their weakness appropriately? !

Why are you so strong to make Dasha star love? !

Fortunately, Da Shaxing also told another thing, otherwise he would have no face.

Er Gouzi stared at the situation while silently vomiting, worrying about it, and did not know how the little fairy resolved Bai Jian's trick.

It must not be allowed to stab, in case it is not well-intentioned, it would be bad to directly stab it.

Several patriarchs other than the Golden Patriarch thought the same way. They were not from the Golden Tribe. In the event of Bai Jian's suspicion, wouldn't they have killed themselves? !

Fortunately, the Jin patriarch felt that Bai Jian was his own tribal totem and would certainly not kill him.

So he took the lead to approach Bai Jian and respectfully said: "Master Totem, please!"

Bai Jian didn't say a word, and suddenly broke out, stabbing the sword at the right arm of the Jin patriarch.

The Patriarch Jin only felt an unbearable pain, and could not help but screamed.

Immediately after that pain disappeared without a trace, he looked down. Although the clothes were broken, there was no wound on the right arm.

The Jin patriarch was annoyed at the same time, why didn't he just hold back? If it does n’t scream, it ’s passed.

Tomorrow to continue, remember to vote!

(End of this chapter)

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