Chapter 9220 Passed

Annoyed by the Jin patriarch, he said to several other patriarchs:

"The pain in the stabbing moment is unbearable. If you are prepared in advance, you should be able to pass."

Several other patriarchs glanced at each other, and from the bottom of their hearts, no one wanted to come forward first.

In case this white sword goes directly to the dead hand, there is no place to take regret medicine.

Seeing no one stepping forward, Bai Jian said lightly: "Why? You want to give up? Since that's the case, let's all go back!"

The stone patriarch bit his teeth: "I'm coming!"

Of course he was afraid of death, but thinking about the current situation of the mountain tribe, if the Tian tribe really made a plot, I am afraid to start with the mountain tribe first.

The reason is simple, because in these tribal totems, the peak puppet is the weakest.

He said in heart that the reason why the Jin patriarch yelled was because of insufficient preparation. As long as he was prepared, he should have no problem.

At this moment, Yun Chujiu said with a smile: "Shi patriarch, you put your mouth on the cloth, or bite something in your mouth, so that there will be no noise."

The white sword that originally reclined on the bamboo chair fell on the ground with a snap, and said unpleasantly: "You are cheating!"

"Where did I cheat? You just said you won't make a sound when you were stabbed, and you didn't say you couldn't shut your mouth." Yun Chujiu said straightforwardly.

Bai Jian: "..."

After a moment of silence, its tone regained its previous indifference: "What you said is not unreasonable, follow you!"

The chieftain of the Shi patriarch was very pleased and took out a cloth towel to bite in his mouth.

When he was ready, he approached Bai Jian.

Just like before, the white sword suddenly burst into the right arm of the stone patriarch.

The pain struck, and the Shi patriarch bit the cloth towel in his mouth, and made no sound.

Bai Jian said lightly: "Pass."

Several other patriarchs saw that there was no damage to the patriarch, and they were relieved and took the test in turn.

Because they all used Yun Chujiu's method, they all passed the test.

The Jin patriarch's face was annoyed, if he had thought of this method earlier.

At this time, only Yun Chujiu was left alone and had not yet been tested.

Bai Jian said lightly: "Yun Chujiu, it's your turn."

Yun Chujiu spread his hand: "I abstain!"

Bai Jian: "..."

Everyone: "..."

Yun Chujiu blinked: "You all see what I do? Anyway, seven seniors have passed the assessment, and I am not a small shrimp. I will cheer you on."

"No!" Bai Jian said unpleasantly: "Since you are here, you will take the test by default, you can't abstain."

Yun Chujiu sighed: "Is there such a rule? Well, then I will participate!"

She said, rubbing forward little by little, slower than a snail.

Bai Jian couldn't bear his temper anymore and simply shot from the bamboo chair.

As a result, Yun Chujiu slipped into the bamboo forest next to him, and said in his mouth: "Give up! I admit defeat! I will call now!"

Bai Jian scolded angrily: "I haven't stabbed you yet, what are you calling?"

"Then I'm in violation of the rules, anyway, I admit defeat!" Yun Chujiu also said, the leaf cloak that gave the tree of life to her was tied in front of ...

She was carrying a small coffin behind her, and the red skull was sturdy, and she was not afraid of piercing.

Seeing the leaf cloak, Bai Jian stopped for a moment, and then flew back to the bamboo chair.

"Well, since you escaped my attack, you are considered to have passed the first round of tests."

Chief Jin and others: "..."


(End of this chapter)

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