When Yun Chujiu was surprised, he heard Bai Jian begin to buzz excitedly, but Broken Sword fell silent.

Bai Jian didn't care, and kept buzzing.

Yun Chujiu saw it buzzing endlessly, impatiently:

"Okay, buzzing like a fly! You haven't answered my question, what is your connection with my big kitchen knife?"

Bai Jian roared immediately: "I haven't settled the accounts with you yet! Look at the broken name you started, either a broken sword or a big kitchen knife. Do you treat your majesty like this?

Yun Chujiu: "..."

Put aside other things first, what the **** is your majesty?

"You call it His Majesty? What do you mean?"

"It is my king! Of course I will call it His Majesty." Bai Jian said.

"It's your king? Are you saying that the broken sword is the king of you who calls the totem?" Yun Chujiu asked with some excitement.

In this case, the problem is much simpler!

"You think too much. Although our king is very powerful, he can't command all the totems of summoning. It is just our king."

"This one?"

Bai Jian contemptuously said: "Are you stupid ?! There are so many tribes in Baqiyu. Of course, we summon totems and score many."

Yun Chujiu didn't care about it, and asked, "How many do you call the totem? A total of eight?"

"I forgot."

Yun Chujiu: "..."

"It can't be relied upon me either. It's not just me. The black mushrooms are the same. Our memories are incomplete.

I can remember my king, and I can feel its breath is already amazing.

Like the few idiots, it is estimated that I have forgotten my king! "Bai Jian said proudly.

"In addition, what do you remember?" Yun Chujiu asked.

Bai Jian snorted coldly: "Why should I tell you?"

As soon as it said this, Broken Sword made a short buzz.

Bai Jian immediately changed his mouth: "Well, just kidding, don't take it seriously.

I do n’t remember anything other than Wang.

Unfortunately, the guy from the Yun tribe died early, otherwise it remembers many things.

Including these five fragments is also given to us, saying that it is of great use.

Who knows it suddenly burped, and left no last words or anything. "

Yun Chujiu raised an eyebrow: "It's the debris it gave you? Tell me more about the totems of the Yun tribe."

Bai Jian snorted coldly: "What's there to say ?! It's nothing more than a red-skinned and black-hearted, sweet-mouthed product!"

Although Bai Jian only said a few words, everyone still heard the bitterness and deep hatred from it. It seems that it has suffered a lot from the totem in front of the Yun tribe.

Yun Chujiu smiled: "Are you talking about one-sided? How can I hear Black Mushroom say that the totem in front of the Yun tribe is a kind, tolerant, and tolerant good totem."

Bai Jian sneered a few times: "The idiot has been pitted out of his heart. Even if he knows that the black heart cloud is annihilated, it dare not tell the truth.

The few adjectives it said, it was also wise that it was barely close, because the goods were a little clever although the stomach was bad.

As for what kindness and forgiveness you should listen to! "

Yun Chujiu sighed: "According to you, it is really a rare good cloud! It's a pity that it has been annihilated, otherwise it's quite my temper."

Bai Jianxin said, yes, you smell the same!

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