Yun Chujiu thought about it and asked, "Does that cloud filled with sesame seeds look like the mark between my eyebrows?"

Cloud with sesame stuffing?

Bai Jian reacted for a while before reacting. Isn't sesame stuffing just ... hey? !

This stinky girl would describe it.

Huh, also say others, you are also a sesame stuffing!

"Well, it's almost the same except for the size.

Only, your cultivation is too weak!

You know, although the black heart cloud is morally corrupt, but cultivation is indeed the most powerful of us, you are too embarrassing! "Bai Jian despised.

Yun Chujiu's eyes flashed: "Since it has a clear mind, a high level of cultivation, and also knows a lot of secrets, why didn't it escape the original disaster?"

Bai Jian sighed: "This is also the sadness of our tribe's totem. Don't look at the wind and rain that we usually use, but we are also restrained.

You should know that the two patriarchs of the Yun tribe and the dragon tribe joined forces to perform the forbidden technique, burning the power of the totem's life, and able to send some elite to the outside of the Qi field.

Huh, do n’t look at the bad old men present, but any one of them can perform this kind of ban.

No, the two of the Yun Tribe and the Dragon Tribe will not, because they are only the defective products of replacement. "

Chief Yun: "..."

Patriarch Dragon: "..."

Don't we lose face? !

Yun Chujiu's heart moved. In this way, the tribe and the totem are mutually restricted.

Of course, the cost of burning totems is also very high. Without the tribal totem, the tribe will survive.

Either be swallowed by other tribes, or just like the cloud tribe and the dragon tribe, they can only worship the fake totems granted by the sky tribe.

Yun Chujiu asked several questions about the tribal totem and summoned beast, but Bai Jian didn't give an answer.

Yun Chujiu asked again: "You said that Broken Sword is your king, shouldn't it stay in your base camp? Why did it appear on both sides of the world?"

Yun Chujiu's words are not a lie. Although the big kitchen knife was discovered in the 3,000 continents, the broken sword was obtained from the Yun family.

Bai Jian said anxiously: "I also want to know! But Wang's memory loss is more serious, and communication with me is a bit laborious.

I am a little worried now that Wang has become like this. Is there something big changed in the family? ! "

Yun Chujiu felt that his worries were not unreasonable, but there is no way to prove it now.

"You give me the fragments first. After I gather the five fragments, I will go into the Baqi secret realm and see, maybe there will be some discoveries."

Bai Jian was quite happy this time, and took out a white piece and handed it to Yun Chujiu.

Then, some hoped, "Can you leave the king, I think ..."

Its words hadn't been spoken yet, and the broken sword made a short buzzing sound, and the white sword had to confess:

"Forget it, since Wang is unwilling, it's up to you to **** it!"

Yun Chujiu is too lazy to correct it, who will **** who is not necessarily it!

Before leaving, Yun Chujiu asked curiously: "Since you are running to your king, can you just let me take out the sword, or just ask me to compare it with me?

Why do you still set up the first and second game? What is your purpose for doing this? "

Not only Yun Yun was puzzled, but the Jin patriarchs were also puzzled, and all looked at Bai Jian.

Bai Jiangan coughed a few times: "That, that, I want Wang to see. I'm not a stubborn husband, but a learned hermit."

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