Chapter 9239 Shell Reef

Xiao Jinyun couldn't help but defamation. Sure enough, his love was poisonous, and even a person like Dashaxing became a careless man.

Forget it, anyway, when the jellyfish totem comes, Dashaxing will definitely take the place, and then the shameful one will become him.

Thinking of this, Xiao Jinyun not only did not resist, but felt very relieved.

Dashaxing has always been instigated, but the bullishness is not good, huh, in the end, it has to be reduced to bait? !

This stalk is enough for him to laugh for a lifetime!

When Xiao Jinyun was happily gloating, he suddenly thought of a question. Will Dashaxing ... die out in the future?

This time, it couldn't laugh.

Because of something in my heart, Xiao Jinyun couldn't take care of it.

The giant sea beast is much faster than the chubby dolphin, and arrives at Beijiao in a little while.

At a glance, the large and small reefs stretched out, and the end was not visible at a glance.

The giant sea beast said: "I'm too big, if I get in, I will get stuck in the middle of the reef, so I usually swim past the water above."

Yun Chujiu understands its subtext, this is to let her let it go.

She hooked her lips slightly: "It's okay, there are places in the beast bag that will surely hold you."

Giant sea beast: "..."

It's considered blood mold!

I knew it so long ago, and it should have run away when it first met this little girl.

Now it's okay, it won't be able to get out of the body at half past one.

Otherwise, it is not afraid, mainly to listen to this little girl's words, and seems to want to find the jellyfish totem.

If the jellyfish totem is irritated by then, it must also be unlucky.

It's a pity that these are useless, but Yun Chujiu received them in the beast bag.

Yun Chujiu released the chubby dolphin again, and slowly entered Beijiao.

The shell reef is really full of life, full of water plants and algae, and there are countless small fish and shrimp.

After a while, a few beasts with short eyes came around.

The chubby dolphins slapped directly, and Yun Chujiu hadn't had time to say anything.

It's smart!

If you do n’t bite, maybe the owner will sign a temporary contract with these sea beasts, let them help escort.

Now that it is bitten, it will be its reserve grain.

Yun Chujiu didn't really guess the idea of ​​the chubby porpoise, but thought it was to cut the grass and remove the roots, so as to avoid future troubles.

So, said: "Don't kill them again when I meet you, I keep it useful."

The little fat dolphin agreed very happy.

As a result, when it encountered it again, it suddenly "missed" and flattened the heads of those sea beasts.

Yun Chujiu understood it now, and scolded it.

The fat porpoise stopped now, helping Yun Chujiu to conquer several sea beasts.

With these few sea beasts, Yun Chujiu was able to gain a foothold in Beijiao temporarily.

Without her deliberate guidance, Xiao Jinyun's striking body attracted the attention of many sea beasts, and the news spread.

These sea beasts estimate that their amateur life is very boring, so the speed and scope of the spread of this matter are better than Yun Chujiu expected.

Yun Chujiu was not in a hurry, and was sure that the jellyfish totem would definitely be hooked.

At noon the next day, while she was eating stewed mushrooms, she sent a message to the sea beasts guarding the edge of the shell reef:

"The jellyfish totem is here!"

Yun Chujiu slowly finished his meal, and the jellyfish totem arrived.

Yun Chujiu saw a portrait of a jellyfish totem from the Hai patriarch. The jellyfish totem in front of him is basically the same except for a lot smaller.

(End of this chapter)

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