Chapter 9240

The jellyfish totem glanced at Yun Chujiu, and then fell on Xiao Jinyun.

Xiao Jinyun's mood was a little complicated at this time. He thought that after the jellyfish totem appeared, the golden group would win, but the result was not.

It could not help but breathe a sigh of relief, although it is not known why Dashaxing didn't win, but at least it doesn't have to worry about being killed.

On the other hand, it saw the jellyfish totem staring straight at it, and felt very sick, and wished he could hack it.

There are hundreds of ways to kill the jellyfish totem in Xiao Jinyun's heart, one is more inhumane than the other.

However, it did not dare to move, because it had self-knowledge.

Unless the group of gold lent it power, its little weak chicken was not a rival to the jellyfish totem.

When Xiao Jinyun was cranky, the jellyfish totem turned his attention to Yun Chujiu:

"Do you want to borrow fragments from me?"

Yun Chujiu heard it and asked him, knowing that it heard what Hai Patriarch said, so he didn't have to repeat it again, and nodded, "This is indeed the case."

"Can lend you, but ..."

Speaking of which, the beard of the jellyfish totem pointed to Xiao Jinyun.

Xiao Jinyun's heart tightened, this shameless pervert, the next sentence is definitely to let it stay.

"But, I want that jellyfish shell."

Xiao Jinyun: "..."

Yun Chujiu: "..."

This is different from what they thought!

Shouldn't the small "female" Xiao Jinyun dominate? Why only a jellyfish shell?

Won't they tease them?

However, Yun Chujiu thought about it, and with the eyesight of the jellyfish totem, it is estimated that the jellyfish was disguised by Xiao Jinyun, and it is naturally impossible to be in a beauty plan.

Only, why is it so interested in the shell of Zhaoxia jellyfish?

The main thing is, does it have one in his hand?

Xiao Jinyun found out the clue at this point. The shell in the jellyfish totem is the shell of the male morning glow jellyfish.

Hey, hello, this jellyfish totem wants a female jellyfish shell, wouldn't it be to want to be a woman?

When Xiao Jinyun was thinking about something, he heard Yun Chujiu saying:

"No problem, just I want to ask, why did you avoid it before? Is there any hardship?"

The jellyfish totem said lightly: "There is no hardship, but I don't want to provoke trouble."

Yun Chujiu smiled: "You can't help but think about it. Since you were willing to keep this fragment, it means that you are not afraid of trouble.

But in recent years, they have stayed abreast of it, and this time they have avoided it. If there is no taboo, I would not believe it. "

The jellyfish totem's voice was a little low: "Believe it or not, what do you do with me ?! After the exchange, leave quickly!"

Yun Chujiu was originally just a temptation. Seeing it like this, he was quite certain in his heart that this jellyfish totem really had scruples.

"Okay, let this matter aside first, can I ask ..."


Yun Chujiu: "..."

I haven't asked yet? You just sealed it?

She was too lazy to deal with it and sneered, "If you have this attitude, then don't think about getting this jellyfish shell.

Don't even think about robbing it, if you dare to do it, I will crush it. "

When Yun Chujiu said this, he had pinched Xiao Jinyun in his hand.

Xiao Jinyun: "..."

You pinch it, let me go out first!

I don't want to die with this jellyfish shell!

Besides, is the stinky girl crazy?

Where do you come from to fight against the jellyfish totem? Are you not afraid of being killed?


(End of this chapter)

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