Chapter 9242 The Endless Darkness

After leaving Beijiao, the jellyfish totem saw that the chubby porpoise was too slow, and simply wrapped Yunchujiu with a beard and swam forward at a very fast speed.

After swimming all day and night, the sea water became lifeless.

The reason for this is that the living things are basically no longer seen, even the water plants are not seen.

Yun Chujiu guessed that the jellyfish totem liked quietness, so this area was designated as a restricted area.

After swimming for another half day, the jellyfish totem finally stopped.

Yun Chujiu stunned and looked at the front, because the front was an endless darkness.

The sea water seemed to freeze here, and there was no sound.

The jellyfish totem said in a low voice: "This is the reason why I have stayed in the world for so many years."

"What is this?" Yun Chujiu wondered.

"do not know.

According to my observations for so many years, it has been engulfing the sea silently. The previous speed is extremely slow, but recently it has accelerated a lot. Said the jellyfish totem.

Yun Chujiu was extremely shocked: "Have you ever thrown anything inside? What's the reaction?"

"Without any reaction, throwing it in will merge with the darkness. I don't know if it disappeared or what happened."

The jellyfish totem said, took a sea beast corpse out of its own space and threw it in.

Almost instantly, the body of the sea beast merged with the darkness and disappeared.

Yun Chujiu saw that it was throwing a dead object, and took out a monster from the Taixu Secret Realm and threw it into it.

The monster beast didn't even have time to scream, but it also merged with the darkness.

"Since you have been watching for so many years, do you also have some guesses?" Yun Chujiu asked.

"There are some guesses, but some are untenable.

Whether it is an independent small space or a transmission channel, it should not have the ability to swallow. Said the jellyfish totem.

Yun Chujiu somewhat puzzled: "Since it matters, why don't you tell other tribal totems about it?"

The jellyfish totem smiled bitterly: "Do you think it's useful to tell them? They don't recognize water at all, and are useless except for increasing panic.

In addition, the speed of engulfment was very slow before. I calculated it. Even if it is ten thousand years old, it may not be able to engulf all this sea area.

In that case, why cause unnecessary panic? !

It's just that I didn't expect that the speed of swallowing suddenly increased, and this is almost the same as your time to return to the Cloud Tribe.

I can't guess the reason for this for the time being, so I plan not to have a relationship with you first, just look at it.

Unexpectedly, you actually have that jellyfish shell in your hand. "

Yun Chujiu's thoughts rushed over for a while, sinking his heart and smoothing it, and then he said:

"If I am right, did the jellyfish shell in your hand fall from this dark area?

So, you know that I have a jellyfish shell in my hand, so I can't help seeing me? "

The jellyfish totem was stunned for a while, and then said with emotion:

"No wonder it selected you, you are really smart.

Yes, it is.

A few months ago, this jellyfish shell fell from here, and I was also shocked.

I am very familiar with the sea animals in this sea area, there is no such jellyfish at all.

What's more, this is a restricted area, and no jellyfish can sneak in.

So when I learned that a jellyfish shell appeared in Beijiao, even if I knew it was you, I hurried over. "

(End of this chapter)

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