Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Vol 2 Chapter 9243: Negative dogtail grass

Chapter 9243 Negative Dogtail Grass

Hearing the jellyfish totem, Xiao Jinyun talked a little.

So this is ah!

I thought this was a big lady!

However, how did the shell of Zhaoxia jellyfish fall out of there?

Is this dark area connected to the passive sea?

Hey hello, if that's the case, there will be too much talk inside.

While it was pondering, he heard Yun Chujiu ask:

"In the beginning, the heads of the Yun tribe and the dragon tribe burned the power of the totem and transferred the elite from the tribe to the two continents. Do you know this?

At that time, were the six tribes betraying their betrayal or did the Tian tribes do it? "

Yun Chujiu really thought that the six tribes betrayed the Yun tribe and the dragon tribe in disobedience, but after this period of contact, she felt that this guess was not reliable.

Not to mention anything else, the black mushroom, white sword, tree of life, jellyfish totem, and fire tribe totem all seem to have a good relationship with the former totem of the cloud tribe, and it is impossible to do such a thing.

The people of the tribe could not make such a major decision without going through totem approval.

Therefore, this matter is probably what the Tian tribe did from it, leading to the latter result.

Sure enough, the jellyfish totem said: "You guessed it right, since the eight tribes had already formulated an offensive and defensive alliance, it is naturally impossible to do things that are untrustworthy.

At that time, the reason why the six tribes failed to arrive at the appointed place on time was that they were trapped by the formation. When they arrived, it was too late.

The Hai tribe was the closest to the incident and was the first to rush over. As a result, some people were involved in it, and it was estimated that it was also sent to the two continents. "

Yun Chujiu suddenly realized that the ancestors of the Hai tribe should be the people of the Hai tribe.

As for the origin of their self-confidence, it is estimated that the master of the giant hand tampered.

She asked again: "What are your guesses about the five fragments?"

"When it was handed over to us, it just said that this thing is very important, unless the last thing is to combine the five pieces together.

It has always been crooked, and it refuses to say that we can't ask anything even if we ask, and we don't ask.

It's good at any point, but it has too much mind.

It's a pity that in the end it still looks like this, and it's also artificial. "The jellyfish totem smiled bitterly.

Yun Chujiu asked again: "In your estimation, how long will this dark area devour this sea area?"

"If it should be able to sustain for about a hundred years at the current rate, but I am afraid that it will speed up, then there is no way to estimate.

The main reason is that I do n’t know what this thing is, and I ca n’t check it. "The jellyfish totem sighed.

Yun Chujiu felt that the best way was to go in and see for himself, but it was too risky!

In case it was swallowed directly after entering, there was no place to buy regret medicine.

She suddenly thought of a good candidate, no, good draft.

She immediately released the dog's tail grass and asked it to check it out.

Dogtail grass is perfect for this kind of thing!

Its body and the released body are the same consciousness, and it will not be isolated by any place at all, so it can always know the situation inside.

It would have been ridiculous to get this kind of reuse of dog tail grass as usual, but at this time it was headless and headless, and it looked like it couldn't survive.

First, it was because the matter of the tree of life had been hit. Second, it felt that Yun Chujiu favored Ergouzi and was not happy.

Therefore, the attitude is very negative.

Tomorrow's update time is still 9pm.

(End of this chapter)

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