Chapter 9266 Did Not Eat

After the skull of Bone Mountain collapsed, many of them turned into powder, which is estimated to be too long, so that they are all weathered.

However, some skulls remained intact and rolled to the ground.

The invincible honey badger cried while putting those skulls into his own space, and the consciousness kept talking:

"This is the bone-winged wolf king killed by grandpa, this is the bighorn bull killed by grandpa, this is the three-eyed turkey tiger killed by grandpa's grandpa, this is ...

Yun Chujiu couldn't stand it anymore, and took out a jar of honey that the invincible honey badger hadn't eaten.

The invincible honey badger swallowed his saliva and struggled a bit, still stuffing the honey into his own space without eating.

The ancestral tombs have to be dug, how can you think of eating and drinking? !

However, this jar of honey is golden in color and has some small transparent bubbles inside, which looks really delicious.

In the process, Su Yanran has been watching with cold eyes.

She frowned, why is this honey badger's behavior so strange? Could it know this place before?

She looked to Yun Chujiu and asked, "Have you been here before, this darling?"

"How could it have been here ?! It's just that it smelled the same race on these skulls, so it was a little excited.

It is estimated that its siblings were killed by these monsters. "Yun Chujiu said.

Su Yanran doubted the letter, but did not delve into it. She was more concerned about the situation below the Bone Mountain.

After Yun Chujiu had dealt with Su Yanran, she suddenly frowned, and she asked with her consciousness:

"Xiaodoubao, you said that under the Bone Mountain is your family's ancestral grave?"

"Yeah, haven't I said it all ?!" said the invincible honey badger.

"If this is the case, would you have to move Bone Mountain away to be buried?

Besides, Bone Mountain obviously has no signs of moving. Tell me, how are your ancestors buried in it? Yun Chujiu asked.

"Well, it's not easy, punch in!

Our invincible honey badger family had feelings before they died, and they would come here on their own, and burrow into the grave to die.

It is estimated that it is almost dead, and the younger generation will seal the hole, so no trace will be left. "The invincible honey badger explained.

Although the invincible honey badger said it was reasonable and well-founded, Yun Chujiu always felt some violations, but could not find any flaws, so he had to temporarily accept this explanation.

There are too many skulls at Bone Mountain, and the ground below is exposed only after half an hour.

Not only that, an enchantment appeared on the ground.

Yun Chujiu wondered, how could the invincible honey badger's grave be bound?

Could it be that there used to be a border here before, and the invincible honey badger family happened to have the graveyard here?

While she was wondering, Su Yanran stepped into the border.

Yun Chujiu and the invincible honey badger also quickly stepped into the enchantment.

Yun Chujiu thought that the corpses of countless invincible honey badgers appeared in front of him, but found that he saw ... a pile of honey.

The invincible honey badger quickly explained with his consciousness: "Our ancestors are prosperous in the afterlife, so each ancestor will bring some honey in addition to loot before he dies.

You also know that honey can be kept for a long time, plus it is underground, so it has not been damaged. "

The invincible honey badger was afraid that Yunchujiu would not believe it, and pointed to a piece of honey and said:

"Did you see this piece of honey? This is produced by the giant bee, and according to my heritage, the giant bee has been extinct for tens of thousands of years."

Continue tomorrow, still updated at 9pm.

(End of this chapter)

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