Chapter 9267 You Slowly Find

Yun Chujiu heard the invincible honey badger's words and looked at it, and there was a bit of suspiciousness in his eyes:

"Don't you like to drink honey? Seeing so much honey, and there are many of them that you haven't drink, how come you have no reaction?"

Just now I saw that the honey she threw at it did not drink, but her face was full of greedy faces. At this time, seeing so much honey was extremely calm.

The invincible honey badger froze for a moment, then said sadly and indignantly:

"My ancestral grave is about to be demolished. How can I have a mood to eat, drink or drink ?!

Besides, these honeys are the burial of my ancestors. How much do I have to care about the idea of ​​such honey? ! "

Although Yun Chujiu felt that it made some sense, he always felt that something was wrong.

At this time, Su Yanran frowned: "How can there be so much honey here? There should be other stone chambers, look for it."

After she finished speaking, she began to knock on the four walls, but unfortunately, there was no gain.

The same is true for Yun Chujiu.

She asked the invincible honey badger with her consciousness: "Xiaodou Bao, can there be other stone chambers in this ancestral tomb?"

Invincible honey badger shook his head like a rattle: "No, this one."

Yun Chujiu pouted: "Are you stupid?" If there are no other stone chambers, what about the remains of your ancestors? "

The invincible honey badger choked: "Then I don't know. Anyway, my inheritance records that there is only one stone room here.

If you don't believe it, you will find it! "

Yun Chujiu increasingly felt that the invincible honey badger was greasy. There could not be just one stone room here.

But she did not force her to ask, anyway, she was not in a hurry.

Besides, she always feels that it is unreasonable to dig people's ancestral graves, or ... Let Su Yan do it.

She blinked her eyes and said to Su Yanran: "Small Susu, do you have any other secret words? Maybe there is an enchantment here, and if there is no secret word, we may not find it."

Su Yanran said angrily: "If there is still a secret word, do I have to find it hard ?! The instructions are clearly here, how come there is no such thing?"

Yun Chujiu went over and asked, "You tell me, what the **** are you looking for? Maybe I can find some clues."

Su Yanran frowned and said nothing.

Yun Chuji said with a lip: "At this time, do you have to hide it ?! Say it, let's find a way together, otherwise we will all get bamboo baskets to fetch water."

Su Yanran still did not say a word, but continued to beat around.

Yun Chujiu rolled his eyes, not to mention pulling down.

She simply sat on the floor and began to eat and drink.

The invincible honey badger greedily slobbered, but in order to maintain the design of the filial son and grandson, he could only endure.

Su Yanran found another hour and still found nothing. Seeing Yun Chujiu drinking tea in that beautiful, she suddenly stopped breathing.

"If you can't find anything, see how you explain to the eight tribes when you go back!"

Yun Chujiu shrugged: "Even if I find it, with you there, I can't get anything.

Since the results are the same, why should I bother? "

Su Yanran: "..."

She endured it and said, "Who can say what is going on in the future ?! Are you always conceited? How come you are so counseling now?"

Yun Chujiu said slowly: "Oh, now and then, I don't have any fighting spirit anymore, so I still eat and die!"

You look for it slowly, and I will get some sleep first. "

Su Yanran gritted her teeth: "If you can't find it within an hour, you will have no use value, I will kill you!"

(End of this chapter)

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