Chapter 9380 Sincerity

Another option is to let Xiao Jinyun find a way to appease Uncle Wu and leave that magical knowledge temporarily in its cloud core.

Of course, this has to give Uncle Wu some benefits, such as abandoning a few cloud wings.

Yun Chujiu felt that the second choice was more secure, not to mention Xiao Jinyun had just turned five cloud wings, even if he abandoned three, he would still make a profit.

Xiao Jinyun was a little bit unhappy when he heard it, and he knew about its cloud wings all day long, and he also counted on these cloud wings to improve his strength!

But it also knows that the second option is better.

It had no choice but to say to Uncle Wu: "I just thought about it for a while, and I think it's better to leave that consciousness in your cloud core.

Don't worry, I don't mean anything else, just to be at ease, lest you come to kill me later.

Of course, I have to show some sincerity.

Well, how about I give you a cloud wing? "

Uncle Wu almost fell from the sky with anger!

give away? Are those cloud wings all its good? !

Besides, compared to Yunyi, it still cares more about "Yunchujiu" in the cloud core.

Hearing its rejection, Xiao Jinyun stretched out two whiskers: "Two, no more!"

Uncle Wu still insisted on his own ideas, not Yunyi, just want to get "Yunchujiu" out of his own cloud core.

Xiao Jinyun said painfully: "Okay, you don't have to ink, three flowers! If you still don't know what to do, hum!"

Xiao Jinyun said that he split the three wings of the cloud, and then he went away.

Uncle Wu wanted to chase it, but when he thought of the threat of Xiao Jinyun, he was hesitant.

Forget it, first merge the three cloud wings, and wait for the other dark clouds to come up and decide.

It couldn't help complaining when it thought of it, how could each one be so slow? ! It stands to reason that it should have caught up with it long ago.

Where does it know that the black clouds of the Bozi generation have been scared by the emperor Yun, and Xiao Jinyun is more and more like the emperor Yun, they can't wait to stay far away, where is they willing to step forward.

The other dark clouds have never seen the emperor's brutality, but these two things made them somewhat afraid.

Seeing the dark clouds of Boyi generation, no one is a fool, and naturally he is not willing to rush forward.

Anyway, Uncle Five has already rushed to the front.

Therefore, seeing that Xiao Jinyun was about to run away, the army of the dark clouds came too late.

Those dark clouds saw at a glance that Uncle Wu lost two more cloud wings, and for a moment he felt happy.

Fortunately, they are clever, or they must be unlucky.

Uncle Wu originally wanted to tell the things in the cloud core, but when he saw them, he suddenly gave up the idea.

Even it has resented these dark clouds.

It is true that it initially attacked Xiao Poyun and that little girl with selfishness and wanted to express themselves, but that was also to complete the task.

As a result, it lost the most cloud wing, but they all read jokes one by one and did not mean to help it.

In this case, why should it say this?

Saying it is nothing but laughter.

Thinking of this, it said coldly: "I wasted too much, I need to recuperate, you continue to chase it!"

Those dark clouds were stunned for a while, and then sneered.

Are you here to recuperate and let us chase?

When are we fools? !

That little Poyun might be the Emperor Yun, could he catch up and look for abuse? !

So, although they continued to fly forward, the speed was faster than the turtle.

Seeing this, Uncle Wu's heart grew colder and he suddenly had a strange thought.

(End of this chapter)

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