Chapter 9381 Map

Uncle Wu didn't go to see those wicked companions anymore, but dived into the cloud core.

It said to Yun Chujiu, who was still meditating with his eyes closed: "Are you really the maid of that little broken cloud?"

Because Yunchujiu is too far away and has lost control of this ray of consciousness, there will naturally be no reaction.

Uncle Wu didn't know this. It didn't respond to "Yunchujiu", but Quandang was the default.

It laughed at itself: "You must be laughing at me in your heart right now? I'm really stupid. I have lost so much Yun Yi without saying that, and I have completely lost the chance to get higher.

From now on, it is estimated that anyone can step on my foot, after all, my strength has plummeted. "

"Yunchujiu" still had no response.

Uncle Wu didn't take it seriously and continued:

"But that's fine, let me see some facts clearly, and I will use my mind in cultivation in the future, no longer mix things."

"Yunchujiu" still didn't respond.

Uncle Wu didn't expect her to respond, but only to find someone to talk to.

After it finished speaking, the Divine Consciousness withdrew from the cloud core.

On the other side, Xiao Jinyun is already carrying Yun Chujiu's fortune.

Seeing that there was no black cloud behind, Yun Chujiu and Xiao Jinyun were relieved.

Somehow escaped.

On this day, Yun Chujiu reached the Tian tribe.

She did not care about the rest and went directly to Shitai.

The left and right guardians saw that she was so happy that she wept, Yun Chujiu knew that it must be a puffer fish without asking.

A few pufferfish have a clever look, especially the pufferfish fart and come together and said:

"My esteemed master, I have not been idle these days. After my arduous search, I found dozens of pieces of oil paper again."

Speaking of which, it glanced at the left and right protectors and said, "I'm afraid some people will turn their elbows out, so I didn't tell anyone, I've been waiting for you to come back!"

Protect the law: "..."

Yun Chujiu knew that the goods were not reliable, so he didn't care too much and said, "Show me."

The pufferfish immediately took out a pile of oil paper, and said to the children:

"I'm fine to spell it myself, some of them can be put together, it seems like a few words, but I don't know, you take a look."

Yun Chujiu stunned for a few words?

However, when she saw what the pufferfish had spelled out, her nose was almost flattered!

Can these crooked lines be called characters?

Also, is this the inside of oiled paper? That is, the side that wraps the food, there is no word at all.

Looking at the puffer fish with a soliciting expression, Yun Chujiu said angrily: "Have you ever eaten pork and haven't seen pig run? Is this a word?"

Pufferfish's face is wronged: "Maybe that Qi Qian's text is like this, you can't say that you haven't seen it!"

Yun Chujiu: "..."

It sounds reasonable.

So she took a closer look and was startled.

This should not be the text of Qi Qian, but... a map.

She was busy taking out the pieces of greased paper she had found before. Although some of them were blank, there were also many lines drawn, and some had words, but they were incomplete and could not see what was written.

After being patched together, although incomplete, it can be seen that it is indeed a map.

The pufferfish suddenly had an ominous hunch, and said with a strong desire to survive:

"This map must be the location of the sugar gourd shop, definitely not important, um, not important at all."

Continue at 9 o'clock tomorrow night.

(End of this chapter)

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