Chapter 9398 progresses too slowly

Although Uncle Five felt that he had been fooled, but now things can only continue daringly, or else a cloud wing will not get it.

As a result, the quarrel between it and Xiao Jinyun became more and more intense, so that it began to split the lightning again.

Xiao Jinyun knew that Yun Chujiu was fighting for the double-quenched body for him. Although the process was painful, he thought of the huge gains afterwards, and the goods were willing.

However, it can't be done only by Uncle Wu, the progress is too slow!

So, it began to attract hatred.

"The little one just now, the one carrying the stupid dog to heaven, you get me over!

Although that stupid dog is not a good thing, it is also my little brother, I am Emperor Yun, how can it be a dog king.

How dare you disrespect the dog prince, really looking for death! "

"Let me say, Uncle Wu is stupid, you are more stupid than it! I really thought I was so easy to die? Even the coveted Yun Yi really didn't know how many pounds he was."

"And you unlucky bastards, this time I was abducted a lot of cloud wings, right? Well, the value of your existence is to provide me with cloud wings, you are my slaves!"


Those dark clouds were suffocating, and when I heard Xiao Jinyun's words, where could I bear it, a new round of thunder began.

However, this time the dark clouds were refined, not only splitting the small golden cloud, but part of the sky thundered towards Yun Chujiu.

Yun Chujiu was about to let out the dog's tail grass, but Er Gouzi took the initiative to welcome two of them.

Yun Chujiu was shocked: "Two dogs, are you crazy?!"

Er Gouzi was straightened and rolled his eyes, but still muttered on his mouth: "I'm going to use Tianlei to cleave the white hair on my body, so that I am a smart and bald flying dog!"

Yun Chujiu: "..."

Forget it, toss it if it is willing to toss! Anyway, I was struck by several days of thunder at the same time and didn't hack to death.

Cangtian was not disheartened. Under the perseverance of Ergouzi, the white fluff on his body was really ashed by Tianlei.

However, the fleshy little wings are gone.

Er Gouzi didn't take it seriously. If it was gone, it was gone. Anyway, there is a free mount like Xiao Jinyun, and it doesn't need to fly on its own.

Just keep your smart and bald dog set.

Yun Chujiu had some regrets, because he couldn't pick up the dog in the future.

After a while, even with the help of big flowers and dog's tail grass, Yun Chujiu couldn't bear it.

She asked Xiao Jinyun with her consciousness: "Wangcai, how long do you have to go to near death?"

Xiao Jinyun said: "How can I still have an hour, there is no way, I am so resistant to splitting now.

I knew for the first time that it was also very difficult for the Cloud Emperor like me to die. "

When it was rumbling, Yun Chujiu pressed it against his brain.

"Since you are so resistant, you can work harder!"

Xiao Jinyun: "..."

Forget it, she has no credit or hard work on the matter of aggressing Yunyi, so she doesn't care about her.

After another hour, Xiao Jinyun finally reached a near-death state, "dead."

Yun Chujiu also found a chance to die before it "dead", and because of being pressed under Xiao Jinyun, those dark clouds could not see anything.

Because of the last lesson, the dark clouds did not act rashly this time, and all watched from the sky.

After a while, Uncle Wu suddenly swooped towards the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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