Chapter 9399 No Long Memory

Uncle 2 and other black clouds were stunned for the first time, and then they were contemptuous. Is this Uncle Five crazy? !

That little broken cloud is likely to repeat its old tricks, waiting for it to drill into the set!

As soon as it hits the ground, that little broken cloud will scam, and then its remaining cloud wings will have to be turned by Xiao Poyun.

This uncle five is really not memorable!

Uncle Sixteen wanted to persuade, but Uncle Five fell too fast, and he had no time to stop it.

As for Uncle Two, they would not like to read Uncle Wu's jokes, naturally they won't stop them.

When Uncle Wu was still some distance away from Xiao Jinyun, he took a symbolic split and saw that Xiao Jinyun fell to the ground without any response.

It tried again and saw that Xiao Jinyun still didn't respond, so he started to pull Yun Yi.

Xiao Jinyun said to Yun Chujiu while pretending to be dead there, "Tell the stupid guy, don't pick the big Yun Yi, or I will turn my head and don't recognize the cloud."

Yun Chujiu immediately told Xiao Jinyun's words to Uncle Wu, who felt that Xiao Jinyun was looking for fault.

It doesn't lose its mind, how can it be possible to pick and choose at this time? !

What it pulls is the cloud wing closest to it. It is not like what Xiao Jinyun said.

It's too lazy to ignore Xiao Jinyun, or it's better to quickly pull off enough cloud wings, or once Uncle 2 comes down, this little broken cloud will definitely scam.

Since Xiao Jinyun was still cooperative, Uncle Five quickly pulled several cloud wings.

Uncle Er, they were shocked and envious, but they still had lingering fears and decided to wait and see.

When Uncle Five pulled the 13 cloud wings, Uncle Two couldn't help it!

It seems that the little broken cloud is really dead, otherwise it is impossible to put so many baits even if you want to fish.

Have to hurry, or Yun Yi will be wiped out by Shu Wu.

Uncle Wu saw that Uncle II had come down, hurriedly pulled two cloud wings, and then shouted:

"You want to take advantage of the fire again? I said, I won't get you until I get all my wings back."

No cloud ignored it, and even deliberately squeezed it to the periphery.

Uncle Wu shivered with anger: "Okay, okay, you are all good!"

After talking, it flew into the air with negative air.

Uncle Sixteen came and persuaded: "Hello, you have also got a dozen cloud wings. Forget it, don't worry about them."

Uncle Wu gasped gaspingly, without saying a word, and looked irritated.

At this moment, the sudden change below.

The original dead Jin Yun and Yun Chujiu both scams and started a new round of wool.

Almost exactly the same as the last time, after those dark clouds paid a painful price, this flew into the air.

Uncle Er is more miserable this time than last time. Don’t look stupid, you don’t want to see Er Gouz on weekdays, but it doesn’t mean that others can bully it.

Therefore, the idiots all focused on taking care of their uncle, so that it lost another 20 wings of clouds this time.

In contrast, Uncle Five, this time earning some cloud wings, they are flat.

Uncle Wu felt extremely comfortable in his heart, and the sigh of relief in his heart finally came out.

It was too lazy to talk to Uncle Er and went directly to the back of Wu Yun's team with Uncle XVI.

It doesn't worry that some people suspect that it is linked to Yun Chujiu. After all, it is a bitter master of bitterness.

Xiao Jinyun said to Yun Chujiu after fusing the cruising cloud wings:

"Do you have any way to let them hack me a few more times? I want to die a few more times."

(End of this chapter)

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