Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Vol 2 Chapter 9418: Reciprocal to positive

Chapter 9418 Reciprocal to Positive

Heige and Baimao came to Yunchujiu in front of each other.

Yun Chujiu's heart sank, wouldn't it be because she dug too little, these two people want to clean her up, right?

Will it be resistance or resistance?

While the goods were being pondered, he saw Hei Ge carefully picking up a purple spinach, and the eyes of Bai Mao fell on the purple spinach.

Yun Chujiu suddenly felt that things were moving in a strange direction...

Hei Ge looked at it for a while, and then looked at Bai Mao, who nodded.

Hege said: "This strain is not a common purple spines, but 10,000 purple spines are not necessarily a single purple spinach.

Zishen Dixin is only the top-grade herb of the yellow tier, and Zishuang Huang Dixin is the Xuan-order top tier. One plant is worth the millions of ordinary Zishen Dixin. "

Everyone couldn't help but exclaimed, while looking at Yun Chujiu's eyes differently.

Originally mocked and gloated, this time it became envy, jealousy and hatred.

This Mei You really is a dog, **** luck!

Such a baby was dug by her.

Originally she was the penultimate one, it is estimated that this should be regarded as the positive first.

Sure enough, Hei Ge said: "Mei You, you have dug the purple thorn Emperor Dixin and made great contributions.

So, your score is directly counted as one hundred! "

Yun Chujiu had only two words in his heart at this time: lying trough!

Does she just want the last one? Would she like to accept the day penalty?

Why is it so difficult to be the last one? !

She's so lazy that she can't do it yet? !

She is so hard!

However, she was not easy to say anything. She had to show a look of surprise and flattering.

Chi Wu next to her beeped the look of the dog!

The hand in hand said to be the bottom, but you secretly hung up!

It's so unreal!

Of course, there is another person who is extremely sad, that is the person who was originally ranked in the bottom four.

That man was a woman with a mean look, named Luo Shan.

She hated Yun Chujiu and felt that she was punished by Yun Chujiu.

Yun Chujiu received her poisoned eyes, slightly moved her heart, and had an idea in her heart.

Because it was almost evening, Hege and Baimao briefly talked about it and let everyone disband.

Before the dissolution, the top three prizes were distributed, one for each person.

Three thousand continents also have the panacea of ​​Yun Shenji, but Yunchujiu will naturally not be stupid. He thought it was the same panacea.

Without saying anything else, seeing the jealous, jealous and hateful eyes of other people knows that Yundan is a good thing.

Yun Chujiu just got Yunshen Pill in hand, and the dog's tail grass in Dantian began to coquettishly sell her hair, writhing like twisting sugar.

Yun Chujiu didn't even see it. He had to use his consciousness and said, "Wait for you to feed."

The dog's tail grass is no longer twisted.

As for the face and the like, that stuff is useless, and only the ones that are in the stomach are beneficial.

Just after Yun Chujiu had dealt with the dog's tail grass, Chi Wu said sourly:

"Sister, your luck is really good! I didn't expect you to dig the purple spines Dixin.

Alas, I thought that we would be punished together at night, but I was still not so worried. After all, there was a person who spoke.

Now that you have turned into the first place, I am the only one left. I am really suffering! "

Yun Chujiu was a little embarrassed suddenly: "Second Brother, this, this, I don't know that I can dig the Purple Thorn Emperor Dixin!"

Chi Wu sighed: "Yeah, who made you lucky! The second brother didn't mean anything else, just to sigh, don't go to your heart."

(End of this chapter)

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