Chapter 9419 So Bully

Yun Chujiu hesitated, then gritted his teeth and said: "Second brother, I decided, I will be punished with you at night!"

Chi Wu stumbled: "What? Are you kidding me?"

But seeing Yun Chujiu's straight face, Chi Wu rarely gave birth to a bit of shame.

"Little girl, you say that your second brother is too human! You have escaped the punishment. I should be happy for you. I should not say those sour words.

You right when I was farting just now, don't go to your heart. "

Yun Chujiu shook his head and said, "No, brother, you are right, we should be blessed and enjoy the same hardship if we are brothers and sisters."

Chi Wu's eyes rolled back: "In this case, even if you accompany me with a punishment, you give me the Yunshen Pill!"

Yun Chujiu: "..."

Have seen shameless, so shameless is the first time I saw.

At this time, Fei Yi coughed: "Chi Wu, don't bully the little girl."

Chi Wu grinned: "Isn't I teasing her to play?! However, both of you got rewards. Only I have to be punished. I feel a little sad in my heart!"

Fei Yi didn't take the trouble, but said to Yun Chujiu: "Sister, you'd better eat Yun Shen Pill now, otherwise I'm afraid someone will do it for you."

Yun Chujiu immediately ate the Yunshen Pill in good faith, and deliberately made some movement for others to see.

Of course, this Yunshen Pill eventually became cheaper.

Fei Yi's one was also swallowed by him, and then greeted Chi Wu to the man's shed.

Yun Chujiu slowly walked to the shed where the woman lived. As soon as she entered, she was stopped by someone.

Luo Shanli squinted his eyes: "Mei You, I was punished by you this time. You have to give me an explanation."

Yun Chujiu suddenly shivered and looked like a frightened little quail: "Well, this has nothing to do with me?"

"It's okay? If it weren't for you to change from the penultimate to the positive first, I'm the fourth to the last. I don't need to be punished, so it's all your fault.

Since you made a mistake, you have to give me an explanation.

Originally I wanted you to compensate me with Yun Shen Dan, but since you have eaten it, then take other things to make up!

Give me your storage ring, even if we clear it, or I won't spare you! Luo Shan said fiercely.

"For example, if I don't give it to you, what do you want?" Yun Chujiu asked with a trembling voice.

Luo Shan sneered. "What do I want? Rest assured, I won't beat you, because it's not allowed to fight privately.

But I have one hundred ways to clean up you, such as not letting you eat, such as not letting you sleep at night, such as doing bad things to you when doing tasks.

So, I don’t need your storage ring, as long as you give me ten spar, this matter is over. "

Yun Chujiu pouted, it seems that these people are really poor!

After a long time, even as long as ten spar, she can kill her with spar!

However, she did not intend to give spar.

With tears in her eyes, she said, "I, I don't."

Luo Shan's face was terrible: "No? Then you can't live with me sincerely?"

Yun Chujiu was frightened, took two steps back, bit his lip, and said:

"Yes, otherwise I will be punished for you! Just don't know if the two managers will disagree?"

Luo Shan froze, she really did not expect Yun Chujiu to be willing to be punished for her.

This little waste is really bullying!

It was like this when I was scared.

(End of this chapter)

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