Chapter 9420 Sky Penalty

Luo Shan stared at Yun Chujiu: "What you said is true? Are you really willing to be punished for me?"

Yun Chujiu nodded: "As long as the two managers don't investigate, I'm willing, after all, things happen because of it."

Others in the shed: "..."

Is this Meiyou's brain sick?

Is it true that being scared by Luo Shan, he really feels wrong?

Luo Shan saw Yun Chujiu's expression serious, but also ecstatic in her heart, immediately went to find their men.

On weekdays, that person dismissed Luo Shan, but thought that Mei You had dug a purple thorn Emperor Dixin today, so he reported the matter and Hege with a whisper.

Soon, Hege gave a positive reply.

Roshan suddenly looked happy, and said to Yun Chujiu with pride: "For your understanding, let me put you off this time. If there is another time, hum!"

Yun Chujiu just dropped his head and said nothing.

Because it was not time yet, she went to her bunk to lie down and rest.

Huan Jiang had already laid down, saw her coming, and hummed two words from his nose: "Coach!"

Yun Chujiu grinned awkwardly and said nothing.

Huan Jiang didn't speak anymore and continued to close his eyes and recuperate.

When the sky darkened, Huan Jiang got up.

Yun Chujiu knew that it was going to be punished, so he consciously followed Huan Jiang into the yard.

Chi Wutudian ran over and saw the shock of Yun Chujiu's face: "Sister, how come you came out?"

Yun Chujiu rolled his eyes in his heart. The men's shed and the women's shed were not far away. She didn't believe that Chi Wu didn't know what happened here.

Therefore, Yun Chujiu ignored him.

Chi Wu hey he smiled, of course he knew what happened, but he could not intervene in the first place.

Huan Jiang didn't even look at Chi Wu, and walked directly to where he was three feet away from them, obviously he didn't want to be with them.

Chi Wu rolled his eyes and looked down on who!

What is the qualification of the penultimate to look down on him the penultimate? !

He is also lazy, otherwise he can get anything... third from the bottom.

Yun Chujiu lowered his voice and said to Chi Wu: "Second brother, I deliberately, I just want to accompany you to be punished together, because we have to say that if there are difficulties, I can't help but be loyal."

Chi Wu froze for a moment, and then there was a trace of undetectable touch and shame in his eyes.

However, what he did not know is that Yun Chujiu thought at this time:

It’s really good to be punished by heaven!

If Chi Wu knew the thoughts of the goods, he had to split his head.

After a while, Huan Jiang groaned.

Chi Wu didn't say anything, but his brows were locked tightly.

Yun Chujiu said, this is the beginning? Why doesn't she feel anything at all?

However, the goods also groaned in order to overcharge.

Next, Huan Jiang kept mumbling and his expression became more and more painful.

Chi Wu is much better than Huan Jiang, but his forehead is also covered with fine sweat over time.

Yun Chujiu also pretended to be cold sweating, and he kept humming.

She secretly observed Chi Wu and Huan Jiang, since there was no trauma, it should be that the consciousness was attacked.

She was a little puzzled. If it was an attack of consciousness, even if her consciousness was strong, she should not feel it at all.

But she didn't feel any discomfort, why?

At this moment, the clever and bald two dogs in the bag of the spirit beast said:

"Little fairy, wouldn't it be because you haven't opened a saga? That is to say, this so-called saga attack is only for saga, not for consciousness?"

(End of this chapter)

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