Chapter 9421 Needle Sees Blood

Yun Chujiu moved his heart and thought that Er Gouzi's analysis made sense.

According to the information she got from the inspector, the people here should all be enlightened, so this day's punishment may really be aimed at the magic.

When Yun Chujiu pondered, Er Gouzi also said:

"Little fairy, if this is really the case, it's good if you don't know this!

Therefore, God can’t starve a blind house sparrow, and a blind cat can meet a dead mouse. You are blessed by misfortune. "

Yun Chujiu: Although what you said makes sense, how do I feel so awkward?

Chi Wu saw her look "sullen" and worried: "Sister, are you okay?"

Yun Chujiu slowed down and shook his head: "It's okay, I can stand it."

Chi Wu disagreed and said: "Don't be brave, even I feel uncomfortable, let alone mention you."

Yun Chujiu had a funny heart, not because she had nothing, but Chi Wu said so, inadvertently revealing that his cultivation behavior should be very good, otherwise he would not say so.

However, looking at his comparison with Huan Jiang, Xiu Wei should be much higher than Huan Jiang.

And maybe there is an element of acting in such a painful way.

"Second brother, me, I really can't hold it anymore. What can you do to ease it?" Yun Chujiu tentatively said.

"This is a punishment. What can I do?!

However, you need to keep in mind that even if you feel uncomfortable, you must keep your mind awake, or it will be bad if you are crazy or stupid. "Chi Wu said.

Yun Chujiu vaguely felt that Chi Wu definitely had a way, but he didn't want to talk about it.

The bad water of this product suddenly came up, and after a while, his eyes were dull, his body was crooked, and he looked faint.

Chi Wu was dismayed and gritted his teeth:

"Sister, until now, I can only give you a little blood! Only pain can keep you awake!

Don't worry, I'm using Zhanzhan to ensure that the needle is bloody! "

Yun Chujiu: "..."

She squinted her eyes to see that Chi Wu actually took out a needle that was two inches long and suddenly dared not install it again.

Although she doubted that Chi Wu was intentional, she did not seem to act like Chi Wu, and she was not sure for a while.

She said weakly: "Second brother, don't trouble you, I can stand it."

"We, the brothers and sisters, said that we were out of sight!

You can rest assured that as long as you faint, I promise to wake you up immediately, and will never make you a fool or a lunatic. "

Yun Chujiu thanked her in disbelief, and then stared her eyes round, fearing Chi Wu would misunderstand that she would faint and give her a shot.

"Sister, my pricking technique is a family story, and it's different from other people's chaos.

Although other people get bleeding, it does not hurt, and it does not play the role of awakening consciousness.

I'm different, no matter where the pain goes, make sure you get alive with a single needle.

After a while, if you faint, you will know if I am bragging. "Chi Wupo said with some pride.

Yun Chujiu: I don't want to, not at all.

Coincidentally, Huan Jiang fainted on the side.

Chi Wu's eyes lit up, and he ran over in a hurry and took out the needle.

He excitedly said to himself: "It's great! I finally found the opportunity to get the needle out. Is it Feiyushu or Shenting? Or else?

Forget it, let’s stick together! I won’t die anyway! "

Then, Yun Chujiu saw him take it out...a lot of long needles.

Continue at 9 o'clock tomorrow night, what a da!

(End of this chapter)

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