Chapter 9429 Magic

The two soon discovered that there was a hidden hole in the grass, and a rabbit-like monster was squatting at the hole, and their ears were sniffing on the ground.

When Chi Wu's eyes light up, Yun Chujiu suddenly feels that the cracks in his consciousness shook slightly, and then he sees that the rabbit has died of bleeding.

Chi Wu said excitedly: "It's meat! Finally there is meat! Little girl, hurry, fire barbecue!"

Yun Chujiu felt a tremor in his heart. It must have been that Chi Wu used his consciousness to attack, so this rabbit died.

Although she had seen the charm of the Hai clan before, it was also a kind of divine attack, but it was not as direct and brutal.

Moreover, she didn't see Chiwu's seal or anything at all. She killed the rabbit silently. The attacking method after the cultivation of this consciousness was indeed magical.

She was suddenly scared. Before that, she let six totems shoot at the same time and killed the inspector Wan Huan.

I wanted to come because Wan Huan was unprepared and didn't have time to attack with her consciousness, otherwise she might be more aggressive.

Chi Wu saw her froze without moving and urged:

"Little girl, what do you want? Fire quickly, I can treat this rabbit and bake it."

Yun Chujiu was so relieved that he started to pick up dry wood.

Chi Wu obviously didn't do this kind of thing less. After a while, he cleaned the rabbit and said while roasting:

"Although this gray-legged rabbit is stupid, stupid, and low-grade, but the meat is still very delicious, it is time for our brothers and sisters to get greedy today.

These days, I'm so greedy that I can finally drive away. "

As he spoke, he took out some small bottles and jars from the storage ring and sprinkled them on the meat, presumably for spices.

Yun Chujiu is increasingly suspicious of his identity. The identity of being caught as a drug slave must be very low. How could he have the leisure to bring so many seasonings with him?

It's good to bring a little salt at most.

However, her attention was quickly attracted by the aroma of the barbecue, which was indeed very fragrant.

After roasting, the two ate the rabbit.

After eating, both of them were satisfied, Chi Wu suddenly blinked:

"Little girl, you said otherwise we should stop picking herbs, just catch some monsters and cook them away!

In this way, there will be meat every day! "

"What about the task?"

Chi Wu said indifferently: "It's a big deal to be blamed! Anyway, accumulate three times to make flower fertilizer.

There is meat to be beaten, this is a good deal! "

Yun Chujiu was speechless. If you want to be beaten, I don't want to!

She turned around and said, "So, you are responsible for catching monsters, I am responsible for digging herbs

I have recently come into operation, maybe enough herbs can be dug, we can both eat meat and avoid being punished. "

Chi Wu suddenly agreed with both hands, but for safety reasons, the two did not separate, but the focus was different.

Really don't say, after an hour, Chi Wu caught a gray-legged rabbit and got a few eggs from a bird's nest on the tree.

Yun Chujiu wasn't idle here. Under the command of the dog's tail grass, he found some herbs. Of course, Yun Chujiu secretly ate some of them.

The two walked to the junction of the two peaks. Yun Chujiu originally wanted to return, and saw a monster in the grass running towards the direction of Shuangyan Peak.

Chi Wu's eyes lit up: "It's the white-tailed roe deer! The meat is the most delicious, so good luck!"

He said that he chased in the direction of the monster run...

Continue at 9 o'clock tomorrow night.

(End of this chapter)

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