Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Vol 2 Chapter 9456: According to the gourd painting

Chapter 9456 Draw a Scoop from a Calabash

Yun Chujiu was a little bit tired. The first point was easy to handle. She always did this.

But the second point is difficult.

She still knows nothing about it so far, and she will not be too late to use the consciousness attacking methods they master. How to stir the herbs?

After the elders had finished the basic knowledge of alchemy, they began to refine the blind medicine, called Shun Luo Dan.

The herbs required by Shun Luo Dan happened to be the fifteen herbs that they had previously identified. It seems that the tests here are all related.

During the refining process, the elders also explained in great detail.

After half an hour, the fragrance of the medicine filled up.

Yun Chujiu's dog tails in Dantian aren't good enough, they are twitching.

It just made a contribution just now, otherwise how could the little girl with a heartless heart know that all the weeds are all weeds? !

That's what it told her!

So, is it normal to give it a reward?

Yun Chujiu had time to take care of the dog's tail grass, she was a little worried in her heart, this level is likely to allow them to refine Shun Luo Dan.

She didn't open her mind, she couldn't attack with consciousness, she was likely to fail in refining. What should she do then?

Fear of what is coming, the old man said in a deep voice: "The task of your level is to refine Shun Luo Dan. Each person has three chances to open the furnace. You only need to refine one Shun Luo Dan to pass.

Losers, discard your hands. "

Chi Wu is full of confidence this time. Although he is not good at distinguishing herbs, he thinks that his consciousness is okay. As long as he strictly follows the instructions of the old man, how can he refine a Shun Luo Dan.

He even thought that a pot of normal can produce ten panacea medicine, although he certainly does not have a 10% success rate, but 30% should always be there?

At that time, if the elder brother and the younger sister could not be refined, he would give each one of them, which would be regarded as gratitude.

At this time, everyone needs the herbs in front of the operation table.

Chi Wu dumbfounded!

Because he remembered later that he didn't remember the fifteen herbs at all, so now he is facing the large pile of herbs, he can't match the number.

He really wants to cry without tears, what to do now?

He's quite smart, and he has a way to fix his eyes.

It doesn't matter if he is on the number, you can put it in the order and number of big brother and little girl!

Just follow the gourd painting scoop!

He thought about it for a while, the younger sister's consciousness is somewhat abnormal, so the speed of refining must be very fast, so she can't follow her, but still insurance according to Feiyi.

So he stared at Fei Yi's every move, according to the gourd painting.

Fei Yi also thought of this, so the speed of the herb was slowed down a bit so that Chi Wu could keep up.

Chi Wu was so moved that he didn't want it. He used to think that Fei Yi was cold and indifferent, and he hasn't shared trouble with him.

Looking at it now, it's entirely him who uses the heart of a villain to measure the belly of a gentleman. What a great brother this is!

After half an hour, Fei Yi opened the furnace, although the medicine fragrance scattered inside was not as good as the old one, but it was also very rich.

Even a layman knows that his furnace is definitely Cheng Dan, and Cheng Dan's rate is very high.

Immediately afterwards, Chi Wu also opened the oven, and it smelled a little scorched.

Chi Wu suddenly felt cold, and lifted the lid to take a look, and was happy.

Although there are a few panacea pastes, there are still two intact panacea.

He is really a genius!

According to the gourd painting scoop actually succeeded!

It doesn't matter if the Chengdan rate is low, it will naturally increase after you become proficient.

(End of this chapter)

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