Chapter 9472

Yun Chujiu's drilling is not blind, she drilled exactly where the cracks appeared.

As soon as the "Awl" exerted force, Yun Chujiu's consciousness came with severe pain, and almost instinctively flicked the "Awl" away.

She gritted her teeth and continued.

Whether it is the two dogs in the Spirit Beast Bag or the three white foods in Dantian, they are stunned by Yun Chujiu's unconcerned behavior!

That's consciousness!

Isn’t it a broken stone, so you’re not afraid to become a fool or a madman? !

Even death is possible!

Usually quite a smart person, how did it become 250? !

Yarn Ball felt it necessary to awaken Dashaxing, otherwise no one could stop her from acting so crazy.

But Dashaxing is in Xiaojinyun's body. Xiaojinyun's idiot sleeps like a dead pig, can he wake up?

Also, if forcibly awakening the Supreme, will there be any serious consequences?

It was hesitant to think of this, and decided to look at it and say, anyway, it would not become a fool immediately.

It can't help but complain, is the big flower in the consciousness and the Qilin sword spirit dead? It came out to stop!

They are hiding in the consciousness, and it is very convenient to move in the consciousness. How come they never show up?

In fact, Qilin Jianling had long wanted to stop it, but the big flower spent there: "Sister Lingling, listen to my brother and I will analyze it for you. Then you decide whether or not to stop her.

First, now that she has reached a desperate situation, if she does not want to save herself, neither she nor us will die.

Secondly, she is a pervert, and her senses are too strong, so it is not a matter of piercing an eye.

Third, you have followed her for such a long time and have not understood her temperament? If she wants to do something, unless that big star can stop it, others say nothing.

So, don't ask yourself to be bored, let's just watch it quietly here.

Besides, if she is really in danger, it is not too late for us to go to help. "

Qilin Jianling was flicked by it for a while, and didn't move. She stood not far away and looked worriedly.

Don't look at the lightness of the big flower, in fact, it is also very worried in his heart, and he keeps begging God in his heart to pray to the Buddha to bless Yun Chujiu...Drilling success.

Fei Yi and Chi Wu saw Yunchu's eyes closed, silent, and his forehead was covered with cold sweat, very worried.

The two tried to move the alchemy furnace, which was naturally futile.

Chi Wu hesitated for a moment, then took out a medicine from the storage ring and stuffed it into Yun Chujiu's mouth.

Yun Chujiu's mind was focused on the awl, so he didn't have the energy to check what immortal medicine Chi Wu fed her, and swallowed it directly.

The dog's tail grass is quite interesting this time, not cut off.

In fact, if Chi Wu didn't feed Yun Chujiu the panacea, it would be ready to secrete a drop of fluid from the stimulator and feed it to Yun Chujiu.

Anyway, it's the landlord, who can't really burp her.

As soon as Chiwu's panacea entered the stomach, Yun Chujiu felt that the limbs and corpses suddenly flooded with heat, and whether it was physical strength or consciousness, he recovered a lot.

Although Yun Chujiu had already guessed that Chi Wu's identity was not simple, he was shocked by this immortality.

Although she didn't know much about the medicine's elixir level, she certainly couldn't refine the elixir that Chi Wu fed her.

Of course, she also knows that Chi Wu is afraid that there is only one, and she made a note of this.

Chi Wu and Fei Yi were trying to do something more, but unexpectedly there was another alchemy furnace flying towards them. The two of them were overwhelmed and had no time to pay attention to Yun Chujiu's situation.

(End of this chapter)

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