Chapter 9473 Fryer

Yun Chujiu's clothes were soaked in cold sweat, her lips were even bitten out of her blood, but she continued to drill holes.

Don't look at her being usually greedy and lazy, but she came up hard, and even she was afraid.

Her consciousness began to tremble, and the big flower smelled shamelessly to Qilin Jianling:

"Sister Lingling, I'm just a pig's head now, I can't stand still, you hug me!"

Qilin Jianling kicked it with one paw!

The big flower rolled out like a ball, but it happened to roll onto the awl blade.

The goods suddenly made a terrible scream, and it was not... the pig moved.

Qilin Jianling was frightened, and he kicked the flower in a rage just now, but did not expect such a serious consequence.

If it is really three long and two short, it has to feel guilty for a lifetime.

It hurried to check the situation of the big flower. Fortunately, although the big flower was called, it was actually not a big deal.

Of course, although it didn't matter, the big flower was humming there, looking alive.

At the beginning, Qilin Jianling was very worried, but when he saw his bony eyes, he suddenly found himself deceived.

Qilin Jianling suddenly became furious and kicked the big flower directly.

Of course, this time the direction of kicking is reversed, and will no longer hit the awl.

At this time, Yun Chujiu's consciousness was even more violent. Even the Qilin Sword Spirit, it was a bit unstable. When he kicked the big flower just a moment ago, it also staggered.

It stared nervously at the awl, could it really make an eye?

It's mainly because after seeing the eyes, can this thing be the same as magic?

Xu Yu, Qilin Sword Spirit can't stand it anymore, it's like a fallen leaf in the wind that is bumped, it is very worried, the master's consciousness will not be broken?

Even the big flower full of pink bubbles in my head is full of worries, won't you play big this time?

In fact, Yun Chujiu also hesitated. Do you want to continue?

As soon as she gritted her teeth, she was already in this position. If she gave up, her previous efforts would be in vain!

Besides, although she sensed the shock of consciousness, she vaguely felt that nothing would happen, so she continued to drill her eyes.

Finally, she punched a hole in the crack.

Immediately afterwards, there was a strong sense of dizziness. If it weren't for the pain from the tip of her tongue, she would definitely faint.

She slowed her head and fixed her eyes on that eye.

I have to say that her technique of eye-piercing is good, and that eye is very standard.

I just don't know if the forcible eyes are the same as Chiwu's magical functions?

She released a ray of divine insight into the alchemy furnace, meditation on the herb, and tried to stir it with divine insight.

However, she was disappointed and still could not.

Is it because there are too few holes?

She suddenly felt discouraged, and it took so much effort to drill one eye. She estimated that she had no energy to drill a second eye.

Just then, she was stunned to find the alchemy furnace pressed on her... the fryer.

The fragments of the alchemy furnace splashed around and then vanished into nothingness.

Yun Chujiu was breathing heavily. There was no way to do it. The pressure was just too uncomfortable.

Chi Wu just got rid of the second alchemy furnace, and when he saw Yun Chujiu's situation, he was stunned.

The boss is really the boss, they just reduced the alchemy furnace to the Danfang, and they just lost it.

But, since the little girl is so powerful, why did she look half dead just now?

Could it be... in order to lie to his soul rejuvenation?

Continue at 9 o'clock tomorrow night, what a da!

(End of this chapter)

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