Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Vol 2 Chapter 9476: Can't be handicapped

Chapter 9476 can’t be fratricidal

Chi Wu thought of this, and suddenly thought of the miserable situation of those dementors, he could not help but shuddered.

He regretted it.

He took care of his mouth for a while, and forgot this stubble!

This is a fierce master. Didn't he offend her by looking for it? !

Finished! Trouble comes from the mouth, won't he ask him to settle the accounts?

Chi Wu immediately regretted his previous act of death.

So, he decided to make up, so he shouted with his neck: "Little girl, I am teasing you to play! Even if I don't believe in myself, I believe in you!

Otherwise, I will not feed you the only rejuvenation pill, will you? !

So, you remember that we will always be relatives and sisters, can we be fratricidal! "

Yun Chujiu: "..."

She was too lazy to take care of him, and was ready to try to use her consciousness to see if the alchemy furnace would burst.

She did what she said, and she used her consciousness to try to stir the herbs, but she still failed, but the alchemy furnace exploded.

Yun Chu narrowed his eyes. Could it be that what triggered it when he called God Sense? Or why would it explode?

Although the alchemy furnace was already exploded, she did not get up and was ready to try another alchemy furnace.

But after waiting for a while, I didn't see any alchemy falling into the alchemy furnace.

However, the alchemy furnaces of Chi Wu and Fei Yi continued one after another. Chi Wu's call was no longer human.

Chi Wu's heart suffocated!

Is Danfang snobbish?

Otherwise, why only hit him and Fei Yi, not to hit the little girl?

Or is Dan Fang afraid of being soft and afraid of being blown up, so he dare not smash the little girl?

Thinking of this, he suddenly remembered something. Those alchemy furnaces blown away by the little sister had not been restored to the Danfang, and disappeared without a trace.

This is based on the fact that there are three vacancies above the stone wall, which are the three Danfangs that were blown up by Yun Chujiu.

Look at him and Fei Yi's restored Danfang fortunately hanging it!

It is a pity that everyone's consciousness can only deal with his own alchemy furnace, otherwise he can let the little girl help him.

He suddenly moved in his heart: "Sister, you are idle and idle, try to blow up my alchemy furnace!"

Yun Chujiu did not expect this, because Fei Yi and Chi Wu tried to help her refining unsuccessfully, so she subconsciously thought that her consciousness could not penetrate into the alchemy furnace of other people.

No matter what, she tried to dive her mind into Chiwu's alchemy furnace.

Chi Wu only felt that his consciousness was numb, and was pushed out of the alchemy furnace.

He said in heart, oh, hey, the boss is really the boss, this sense is too domineering!

Yun Chujiu didn't expect that even if it didn't go well, he entered Chiwu's alchemy furnace. At this point, alchemy has already been half done, and the herbs have been released.

Yun Chujiu tried to use God's consciousness to stir the herbs. Like several times before, the alchemy furnace was exploded again.

Chi Wu couldn't help but see those splashing alchemy furnace fragments, but fortunately his consciousness was squeezed out, otherwise the consciousness would have to be hurt.

However, he is more excited now.

Since the little girl can help, he is not worried!

At this time, Yun Chujiu had arrived near Fei Yi, and after saying hello to him, let him withdraw his consciousness, and she dived into it.

She didn't care what step Alchemy had done, she directly used her consciousness, and the alchemy furnace exploded again.

This time when she invoked the consciousness, she deliberately distracted herself from the situation in the sea.

She found that when she invoked the consciousness, there was a ripple of water ripples around the eyes drilled by her.

(End of this chapter)

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