Chapter 9477 says something nice

Yun Chujiu couldn't help but feel happy, it seems that the eyes she drilled are not simple!

This goods now firmly believes that the eyes she drilled are magic.

It is estimated that because the number is too small, the power is somewhat violent and uncontrolled. If she finds time to drill a few more eyes, the consciousness can attack the real thing.

After all, according to Chi Wu, the ten magic tricks are all waste level, not to mention that she only opened one magic trick.

Huh, what about the method of not learning? !

She can drill herself for herself!

She can never bother others about things that she can usually do by herself.

When she was beautiful, Chi Wu shouted angrily: "Little girl, hurry, here comes another one! Help me blow it up!"

Yun Chujiu even saved the herbs this time. After the consciousness entered, he directly exploded.

Chi Wu was dumbfounded!

Is it so strong? !

The boss is really the boss!

After several times, the Danfangs stopped, and they no longer continued to fall.

Chi Wu swallowed heavily: "I can finally take a breath, it really scares me!"

Yun Chujiu used this skill to explode the alchemy furnace on the other three, but unfortunately, the three were already dead.

Yun Chujiu was also very tired. She bore a lot of energy and consciousness before drilling, so she also sat on the ground.

Chi Wu took out the barbecue and distributed it to Yun Chujiu and Fei Yi. Fei Yi hesitated, after all, Chi Wu had a stomachache before.

Yun Chujiu has no psychological burden, because she knows that Chi Wu's stomach is because of those black muddles.

Fei Yi saw that she had eaten, and only then.

After eating and drinking, the three were preparing to study what to do next, and Chi Wu suddenly yelled.

"Quick, look!"

Yun Chujiu looked up and saw that the Danfangs were gathering towards one place.

There was an ominous hunch in her heart, but there was no way to stop it, but she could only watch its changes.

After the Danfangs gathered together, they began to surging, like a cloud of dark clouds.

After a while, it condensed into a black alchemy furnace.

Then, he smashed down to where the three people were.

Chi Wu was so frightened that she ran away.

Yun Chujiu and Fei Yi also quickly evaded, even if Yun Chujiu had exploded several alchemy furnaces before, but they were not comparable to this black alchemy furnace.

Yun Chujiu felt that unless she drilled 108 eyes for herself, the black alchemy furnace would never be blown at all.

Chi Wu and Fei Yi soon discovered that the black alchemy furnace went to Yunchujiu.

Because it has been chasing Yunchujiu, they didn't care about them.

Chi Wuqing was a bit worried, and didn’t know if the little girl could deal with this black alchemy furnace. He was in a hurry and couldn’t help!

Yun Chujiu saw that the black alchemy furnace was chasing her, and was anxious and angry: "What do you chase me?! If you chase it again, be careful I blow you up!"

It's okay if she didn't say it. In this way, the black alchemy furnace instantly became larger and faster!

Chi Wu quickly gave her a trick: "Little girl, this thing may be soft or hard, you quickly say something nice!"

Yun Chujiu heard it and quickly changed his face.

"I was joking with you just now!

You look..."

Black Heart Nine has some jams because she doesn’t know how to boast this alchemy furnace. Is it true that you look really dark?

She happened to catch Chi Wu and blurted out: "You look like Chi Wu!"

Chi Wu: "..."

The next moment, he saw the alchemy furnace chasing Yun Chujiu like crazy, and he suddenly felt offended.

Continue at 9 o'clock tomorrow night, what a da!

(End of this chapter)

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