Chapter 9485 Nirvana Flower

After Fei Yi heard Yun Chujiu's words, he didn't show much surprise.

Chi Wu looked aside and wondered, the little girl said that she had contracted the Dementor, he was so calm?

Either pretending to be or just getting used to it, but most of the latter.

Gee, is he also a big brother?

Hey, hello, his casual brother and sister are all big brothers, and his life is too good!

It seems that he was born to be a lucky person covered by people. As the saying goes, it is good to cool off under the big tree. He has two big trees at once, which is really beautiful.

The only thing that makes him a little tangled is that in the future it will be renamed Fiu or Meu?

Yun Chujiu and Chi Wu had similar ideas. She didn't see Fei Yi too much surprised, she knew that this is a master who has seen the world.

She tentatively said: "Brother, in fact, we don't necessarily have to return to Yaolu, we can take this opportunity to escape, do you think?"

Fei Yi hadn't said anything yet, Chi Wu shouted angrily, "No, we must get back to the medicine house."

Yun Chuji raised an eyebrow: "Why?"

"What else can it be?! Only in Yaolu can you have the opportunity to leave the Futu prison, otherwise you want to stay here for a lifetime?" Chi Wu blurted out.

After Chi Wu finished speaking, he looked at Yun Chuji suspiciously: "Little girl, this is the time, can you tell me what is your purpose of entering the drugstore?"

Yun Chujiu smiled: "Of course, like you, I also want to leave the floating prison."

Chi Wu whispered in your heart, you are a big brother, want to leave the floating prison is not easy? ! Certainly not telling the truth!

He asked Fei Yi again: "Brother, what about you?"

Fei Yi said lightly: "I want to find something in Yaolu, and by the way find a way to leave the floating prison."

Chi Wu's eyes lit up: "Looking for something? What?"

He felt that he was a little eager to ask, and quickly added: "I mean, knowing something, my sister and I can help you find it!

As the saying goes, many people are powerful, and three people are always better than you alone. "

Fei Yi glanced at him and spit out three words: "Nirvana Flower."

Chi Wu's pupil shrank, and then a puzzled expression appeared: "Nirvana Flower? Is this a herb? Is it valuable?"

Fei Yi gave him another meaningful look and said, "We still have to find a solution to the problem in front of us. As for Nirvana, we will have a chance to discuss it later."

Chi Wu sighed: "My brain has always been not so good, you and the younger sister to discuss, I will listen to you."

Fei Yi was too lazy to flee with him, looking at Yun Chujiu: "Sister, what do you think?"

Yun Chujiu is pondering Fei Yi and Chi Wu in her heart. She is the best at observing and observing. The changes in Chi Wu's expression just fell into her eyes.

It is likely that Chi Wu also came from Nirvana. What is this Nirvana?

However, at this moment, I still have to find a way to fool this level. Nirvana's things can be put first.

"Brother, second brother, now we have two options.

One is to abandon the existing identity and find a way to mix into the medicine house with other identities.

Second, find a way to return to the Quenching Hall, but it is necessary to make up a reasonable set of rhetoric or seize it, otherwise it may be difficult to be good. "

Fei Yi frowned: "The first option doesn't work, and you want to mix it in unless you are a drug slave.

However, Yaolu will not buy medicine slaves anymore, not to mention that we are finally becoming pharmacies. It is a pity to give up our existing status.

So, let's study the second option! "

(End of this chapter)

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