Chapter 9486 is asleep

Chi Wu echoed: "Yes, I don't want to experience the previous torture again.

Besides, it's a waste of time!

Still find a way to return to the Quenching Hall!

Didn’t I just guess that the secret realm was under Gu Hongfeng? Or should we go to Gu Hongfeng now?

Maybe it's just under the area where you found Bai Tou Lin and the blood-sweet potato. "

Fei Yi also moved a bit, but Yun Chujiu said: "No, one, there is a risk of being discovered along the way. Second, even if the secret realm is really in Guhongfeng, we can’t even enter, even the entrance. Could not find it."

"So what do you say?" Chi Wu asked.


Both Chi Wu and Fei Yi are confused: "Wait?"

Yun Chujiu smiled: "Yes, just wait! Since we can't go back, wait for the people in Yaolu to find us.

Of course, it won't work just to wait like this. The second brother looks okay. It looks pretty miserable. After a while, I'll knock on you again.

Brother, you have to be a little more troublesome. It's better to get something hurt, and then I will make you dizzy. "

Chi Wu was confused: "Sister, how can I not understand? If the people in Yaolu find us, how can we explain?"

Yun Chujiu grabbed a few leaves of the millet and stuffed it into his mouth while saying:

"Half the truth, half the truth.

Before Lun told the truth before they passed out, we had to write a set of rhetoric about what happened after they passed out.

As for whether they believe it or not, it depends on our three acting skills.

Although this method has risks, it is undoubtedly the most labor-saving and time-saving method.

What do you think? "

Chi Wu and Fei Yi saw Yun Chujiu as not kidding, and began to think about the feasibility of this method.

After a while, Fei Yi said: "I agree with the little girl's proposal.

I just thought about it, even if we rushed to Gu Hongfeng to find the entrance to the secret realm, then we will still return to the same problem, and will still face the questioning of Director Yan.

Therefore, it is better to follow the little sister's words and wait here to be discovered directly. "

Chi Wu nodded: "I think so too, then let's study and say something!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he frowned, and muttered: "I forgot about the day penalty. Fortunately, it was almost dawn, and there were at most three days penalty."

Fei Yi also frowned and looked up, and said, "When this wave of punishment passes, let's study it again!"

After the two had finished speaking, they both closed their eyes and adjusted their breaths, saying nothing.

Yun Chujiu: "..."

Why didn't she feel any punishment?

Isn't she a savvy now? !


Is it because she only opened a magic trick, so she was discriminated against by heaven?

It seems I have time to continue to drill holes, anyway, it is self-reliance, I want to drill a few drill a few!

Although she didn't notice the punishment, she didn't delay her pretending.

She learned Chi Wu and Fei Yi, closed her eyes and adjusted her breath.

But because it was too tired, this thing... fell asleep.

Just fall asleep, after all, Chi Wu and Fei Yi also closed their eyes, did not know that she was asleep.

However, this thing...snoring.

Although the voice was very slight, Fei Yi and Chi Wu heard it.

The two opened their eyes almost simultaneously and looked at Yun Chujiu.

The first thought raised in Chi Wu's heart was: The original boss is also snoring!

The second thought is: The big brother is worthy of being the big guy. He can fall asleep when he is punished. This strength is really terrifying!

The third thought is: will she have a cover ball?

(End of this chapter)

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